cdmichaelb / Outfitter

Outfitter - Classic
MIT License
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FPS Issues #120

Closed MaleMale4k closed 1 year ago

MaleMale4k commented 1 year ago

Hey Guys, When i Switch gear form one Set to another - for like 1-2 Seconds FPS Dropps for like 40 FPS. Ideas?

MaleMale4k commented 1 year ago

i saw - doenst work for me

Gogo1951 commented 1 year ago

Hey @MaleMale4k ,

Look, likely some issue with some other add-ons. Unless you're willing to figure out which, it's sort of time sink. Better if you come here and say, "I found a conflict with XYZ..." Turn all your add-ons off and see if you still have this problem. I don't have this problem, I change gear all the time across a bunch of toons.