cdmichaelb / Outfitter

Outfitter - Classic
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Outfitter Classic: De-equipping my offhand sometimes #22

Closed Nomar111 closed 2 years ago

Nomar111 commented 4 years ago

Hi there! I am using several accessories outfits that i switch around a lot in PVP. I deactivated all weapon slots in all these outfits, but sometimes Outfitter still de-equips my offhand when i switch outfits. Sadly i couldn't reliably reproduce the issue yet. Do you have any idea/lead for me what i could check or try out to get to the root of the problem? So far i deactivated all scripts and also de-selected the weapon slots in any outfit i use.

edit: i was actually able to reproduce the issue. i deleted all my outfitter savedvariables and started from scratch with 2 accessorie outfits that contain all items but the weapon mainhand/offhand/relic (im a druid). then i equip first outfit and equipt (by macro, not with outfitter) a 2 handed weapon. afterwards i equip (per macro again) main hand mace and Ancient Cornerstone Grimoire in offhand (usable item with 30 seconds equip-cooldown). then i go into stealth and switch to the second accesorie outfit -> suddenly my offhand is empty. no scripts used whatsoever (i even deactivated scripts in options). all other outfits (except for those 2) i deleted before.

edit2: i looked around a bit in your tables and found 2 tables CurrentInventoryOutfit and CurrentOutfit which both don't show "Ancient Cornerstone Grimoire" (my equipped offhand item) correctly. Like i got the item equipped, but "SecondaryHandSlot" shows 0 everywhere. all other items i have equipped are listed correctly. maybe that helps...

xysis00 commented 4 years ago

I had a similar issue and this change appears to have fixed it:

In Outfitter.lua#L3962, change

local vMainHandItem = pPreviousOutfit:GetItem("MainHandSlot")


local vMainHandItem = self.CurrentInventoryOutfit:GetItem("MainHandSlot")

That makes the check below against the main hand in your current outfit:

if self:ItemUsesBothWeaponSlots(vMainHandItem) then
    vSkipSlot = true

Which means it doesn't skip the off-hand slot if your previous outfit couldn't have one equipped.

cdmichaelb commented 4 years ago

I implemented xysis00's change, let me know if it helps Nomar111.

Nomar111 commented 4 years ago

@xysis00: thanks man, you rock! seems to have fixed my issue <3

@cdmichaelb : thanks for hotfixing so fast!

Nomar111 commented 4 years ago

Fixed :)