cdnjs / packages

📦 Package configurations - The #1 free and open source CDN built to make life easier for developers.
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version not found #338

Open klausenbusk opened 4 years ago

klausenbusk commented 4 years ago
$ curl -s '' | jq -r .results[].name | xargs -I{} -n1 -P 10 bash -c 'F="$(mktemp)"; trap "rm -f "${F}"" EXIT; S="$(curl --silent --output "${F}" --write-out "%{http_code}" "{}")"; test "$S" != "200" && echo "Broken {} ($(<"${F}"))"'
Broken Faker (Faker version not found!)
Broken date-fns (date-fns version not found!)
Broken bootstrap-material-design (bootstrap-material-design version not found!)
Broken vue-router (vue-router version not found!)
Broken core-js (core-js version not found!)
Broken better-scroll (better-scroll version not found!)
Broken aframe (aframe version not found!)
Broken react-table (react-table version not found!)
Broken trianglify (trianglify version not found!)
Broken dplayer (dplayer version not found!)
Broken clmtrackr (clmtrackr version not found!)
Broken aws-sdk (aws-sdk version not found!)
Broken esprima (esprima version not found!)
Broken flot (flot version not found!)
Broken Turf.js (Turf.js version not found!)
Broken heatmap.js (heatmap.js version not found!)
Broken bootstrap-switch (bootstrap-switch version not found!)
Broken ejs (ejs version not found!)
Broken mobx-react (mobx-react version not found!)
Broken bowser (bowser version not found!)
Broken elfinder (elfinder version not found!)
Broken choices.js (choices.js version not found!)
Broken device.js (device.js version not found!)
Broken instafeed.js (instafeed.js version not found!)
Broken design-system (design-system version not found!)
Broken flipclock (flipclock version not found!)
Broken canvg (canvg version not found!)
Broken simple-statistics (simple-statistics version not found!)
Broken expect (expect version not found!)
Broken cuid (cuid version not found!)
Broken chrono-node (chrono-node version not found!)
Broken d3-shape (d3-shape version not found!)
Broken minireset.css (minireset.css version not found!)
Broken ismobilejs (ismobilejs version not found!)
Broken cutjs (cutjs version not found!)
Broken backbone-localstorage.js (backbone-localstorage.js version not found!)
Broken leapjs (leapjs version not found!)
Broken fecha (fecha version not found!)
Broken folktale (folktale version not found!)
Broken ifvisible (ifvisible version not found!)
Broken Cookies.js (Cookies.js version not found!)
Broken event-source-polyfill (event-source-polyfill version not found!)
Broken autonumeric (autonumeric version not found!)
Broken blaze (blaze version not found!)
Broken angular-datatables (angular-datatables version not found!)
Broken queue-async (queue-async version not found!)
Broken dojo (dojo version not found!)
Broken jQuery-QueryBuilder (jQuery-QueryBuilder version not found!)
Broken diff2html (diff2html version not found!)
Broken angular-bootstrap-datetimepicker (angular-bootstrap-datetimepicker version not found!)
Broken html5media (html5media version not found!)
Broken d3-scale (d3-scale version not found!)
Broken cookie.js (cookie.js version not found!)
Broken chartkick (chartkick version not found!)
Broken emblem (emblem version not found!)
Broken buckets (buckets version not found!)
Broken bottleneck (bottleneck version not found!)
Broken datatables-plugins (datatables-plugins version not found!)
Broken dio (dio version not found!)
Broken circliful (circliful version not found!)
Broken husl (husl version not found!)
Broken d3-force (d3-force version not found!)
Broken egjs (egjs version not found!)
Broken d3-geo-projection (d3-geo-projection version not found!)
Broken aurelia (aurelia version not found!)
Broken ember-i18n (ember-i18n version not found!)
Broken d3fc (d3fc version not found!)
Broken ember-charts (ember-charts version not found!)
Broken angular-spinner (angular-spinner version not found!)
Broken angular-svg-round-progressbar (angular-svg-round-progressbar version not found!)
Broken excalibur (excalibur version not found!)
Broken matreshka (matreshka version not found!)
Broken emberFire (emberFire version not found!)
Broken d3-geo (d3-geo version not found!)
Broken polythene (polythene version not found!)
Broken breezejs (breezejs version not found!)
Broken d3-hierarchy (d3-hierarchy version not found!)
Broken angular-material (angular-material version not found!)
Broken cplayer (cplayer version not found!)
Broken d3-ease (d3-ease version not found!)
Broken reflex-grid (reflex-grid version not found!)
Broken d3-selection (d3-selection version not found!)
Broken d3-format (d3-format version not found!)
Broken embla-carousel (embla-carousel version not found!)
Broken ember-data-model-fragments (ember-data-model-fragments version not found!)
Broken leaflet-polylinedecorator (leaflet-polylinedecorator version not found!)
Broken d3-interpolate (d3-interpolate version not found!)
Broken mistic100-Bootstrap-Confirmation (mistic100-Bootstrap-Confirmation version not found!)
Broken vast-client (vast-client version not found!)
Broken d3-zoom (d3-zoom version not found!)
Broken d3-dsv (d3-dsv version not found!)
Broken d3-array (d3-array version not found!)
Broken scatterjs (scatterjs version not found!)
Broken d3-color (d3-color version not found!)
Broken bootstrap-show-password (bootstrap-show-password version not found!)
Broken diva.js (diva.js version not found!)
Broken d3-voronoi (d3-voronoi version not found!)
Broken behaviortree (behaviortree version not found!)
Broken d3-drag (d3-drag version not found!)
Broken attrchange (attrchange version not found!)
Broken d3-time-format (d3-time-format version not found!)
Broken floating.js (floating.js version not found!)
Broken core.css (core.css version not found!)
Broken backbone.collectionView (backbone.collectionView version not found!)
Broken d3-time (d3-time version not found!)
Broken angular-confirm (angular-confirm version not found!)
Broken d3-transition (d3-transition version not found!)
Broken d3-path (d3-path version not found!)
Broken console.js (console.js version not found!)
Broken d3-axis (d3-axis version not found!)
Broken algoliasearch-helper-js (algoliasearch-helper-js version not found!)
Broken zebra_dialog (zebra_dialog version not found!)
Broken d3-timer (d3-timer version not found!)
Broken angular-retina (angular-retina version not found!)
Broken d3-quadtree (d3-quadtree version not found!)
Broken d3-brush (d3-brush version not found!)
Broken d3-random (d3-random version not found!)
Broken d3-collection (d3-collection version not found!)
Broken d3-chord (d3-chord version not found!)
Broken bootstrap-material-design-icons (bootstrap-material-design-icons version not found!)
Broken d3-polygon (d3-polygon version not found!)
Broken bootstrap-horizon (bootstrap-horizon version not found!)
Broken d3-dispatch (d3-dispatch version not found!)
Broken dash-shaka-playback (dash-shaka-playback version not found!)
Broken ember-dialog (ember-dialog version not found!)
Broken bla (bla version not found!)
Broken doofinder (doofinder version not found!)
Broken custom-elements-builder (custom-elements-builder version not found!)
Broken domtastic (domtastic version not found!)
Broken legojs (legojs version not found!)
Broken aui (aui version not found!)
klausenbusk commented 3 years ago

With cdnjs/tools#99 fixed I just rerun the command:

Broken hack-font (hack-font version not found!)
Broken react-toolbox (react-toolbox version not found!)
Broken ejs (ejs version not found!)
Broken canvg (canvg version not found!)
Broken jQuery-QueryBuilder (jQuery-QueryBuilder version not found!)
Broken datatables-plugins (datatables-plugins version not found!)
Broken TypewriterJS (TypewriterJS version not found!)
Broken timezone-js (timezone-js version not found!)
Broken aurelia (aurelia version not found!)
Broken reflex-grid (reflex-grid version not found!)
Broken vast-client (vast-client version not found!)
Broken scatterjs (scatterjs version not found!)
Broken attrchange (attrchange version not found!)
Broken handjs (handjs version not found!)
Broken zebra_dialog (zebra_dialog version not found!)
Broken genericons (genericons version not found!)
Broken bootstrap-material-design-icons (bootstrap-material-design-icons version not found!)
Broken sbt (sbt version not found!)
Broken custom-elements-builder (custom-elements-builder version not found!)
Broken plastiq (plastiq version not found!)

@MattIPv4 I haven't looked into all of the packages (yet), but a few of them (ex: ejs and react-toolbox) have no versions. Should we just remove them?

Updated (2020-07-24)

$ curl -s '' | jq -r .results[].name | xargs -I{} -n1 -P 10 bash -c 'F="$(mktemp)"; trap "rm -f "${F}"" EXIT; S="$(curl --silent --output "${F}" --write-out "%{http_code}" "{}")"; test "$S" != "200" && echo "Broken {} ($(<"${F}"))"'
Broken react-toolbox (react-toolbox version not found!)
Broken ejs (ejs version not found!)
Broken canvg (canvg version not found!)
Broken jQuery-QueryBuilder (jQuery-QueryBuilder version not found!)
Broken datatables-plugins (datatables-plugins version not found!)
Broken TypewriterJS (TypewriterJS version not found!)
Broken timezone-js (timezone-js version not found!)
Broken aurelia (aurelia version not found!)
Broken reflex-grid (reflex-grid version not found!)
Broken vast-client (vast-client version not found!)
Broken attrchange (attrchange version not found!)
Broken handjs (handjs version not found!)
Broken bootstrap-material-design-icons (bootstrap-material-design-icons version not found!)
Broken custom-elements-builder (custom-elements-builder version not found!)

Updated (2020-07-30) Probably related to and

$ curl -s '' | jq -r .results[].name | xargs -I{} -n1 -P 10 bash -c 'F="$(mktemp)"; trap "rm -f "${F}"" EXIT; S="$(curl --silent --output "${F}" --write-out "%{http_code}" "{}")"; test "$S" != "200" && echo "Broken {} ($(<"${F}"))"'
Broken canvg (canvg version not found!)
Broken TypewriterJS (TypewriterJS version not found!)
Broken timezone-js (timezone-js version not found!)
Broken aurelia (aurelia version not found!)
Broken shards-vue ()
Broken attrchange (attrchange version not found!)
Broken handjs (handjs version not found!)
Broken custom-elements-builder (custom-elements-builder version not found!)
MattIPv4 commented 3 years ago

Should we just remove them?

Their sources both appear to have versions, seems like cdnjs might have a bad config for both. So no, I don't think they should be removed.

klausenbusk commented 3 years ago

Fair enough, I just checked all packages and it isn't too bad:

$ git ls-tree -r --name-only upstream/master | cut -f-4 -d / | sort -u > files
$ grep package.json files | sed 's:package.json::'  | xargs -I {} -n 1 -P 10 bash -c 'test "$(grep -m 2 "{}" uniq | wc -l)" == 1 && echo No versions: {}'
No versions: ajax/libs/bootstrap-material-design-icons/
No versions: ajax/libs/datatables-plugins/
No versions: ajax/libs/ejs/
No versions: ajax/libs/jQuery-QueryBuilder/
No versions: ajax/libs/nerd-fonts/
No versions: ajax/libs/react-toolbox/
No versions: ajax/libs/reflex-grid/
No versions: ajax/libs/vast-client/
tc80 commented 3 years ago

@klausenbusk I believe this is now resolved, can you confirm?

klausenbusk commented 3 years ago

@klausenbusk I believe this is now resolved, can you confirm?

The symptom seem to be fixed, but some of the package.json is still out-of-date, ex: also still contains a few packages without any versions, ex:

tc80 commented 3 years ago

Ah yes, will try to fix these outdated packages sometime this week 👍