cdotyone / mochaui

development tree for MochaUI
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Tooltips #78

Open cleankod opened 13 years ago

cleankod commented 13 years ago

How about Tooltips displayed same as Notification windows but following the cursor?

It would be great if they could have been displayed automatically on elements having class 'tooltip', and static content got from title or XHR, where link is some attribute of the element.

cdotyone commented 13 years ago

I am thinking about replacing notifications with a more robust version. Probably Notimoo. I really like that one.

I will probably use mootools built in Tips with front end to use same content mechanism in the rest of MochaUI 1.0.

Both will be styled to match the MochaUI themes.

I will leave this open to remind myself to have a final answer on this before 1.0 is done. I have bigger fish to fry right now.

cdotyone commented 13 years ago

Anyone want to take this one on? Any takers?

eerne commented 13 years ago

Personally I don't like Tooltips following the cursor too much, looks like 1998 :)

Did you see there is an other fork by arian he has done some development on it… Agree this should wait for after 1.0

cdotyone commented 13 years ago

Tooltips like 1998, funny.