cdown / clipmenu

Clipboard management using dmenu
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How can I ignore xsel? #158

Closed jakubgs closed 3 years ago

jakubgs commented 3 years ago

I'm using xsel to in my wrapper script for pass which allows me to search for secrets using FZF.

How can I prevent clipmenu from storing passwords I put into clipboard with xsel?

I tried setting CM_IGNORE_WINDOW=xsel but that does nothing.

Or is there maybe some other way I can put these secrets into clipboard from a bash script?

jakubgs commented 3 years ago

Okay, I think setting CM_IGNORE_WINDOW=fpass works, since my urxvt puts the command running into the window title and that allows clipmenu to ignore it properly based on X window title:

 > xprop | grep WM_NAME
_NET_WM_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = "jakubgs: fpass"
WM_NAME(STRING) = "jakubgs: fpass"
jakubgs commented 3 years ago

Actually no, it doesn't. I was testing it incorrectly.

jakubgs commented 3 years ago

Actually, no, it does work, but only when I call fpass via urxvt with -name fpass.

And I just have to properly pass CM_IGNORE_WINDOW to the user systemd service.

jakubgs commented 3 years ago

Oh, I see what's happening. I modified the script at: And added:

        echo "windowname: '$windowname'"

And what it shows me is that the window name changes before clipmenud has the time to check it:

windowname: '~'
New clipboard entry on clipboard selection: "something"
jakubgs commented 3 years ago

Surprisingly. Just adding this at the end of my fpass script:

sleep 0

Causes it to see the window name correctly:

windowname: 'jakubgs: fpass'
ignoring clipboard because windowname "jakubgs: fpass" matches ".*fpass"

Which makes no sense to me. But okay.

jakubgs commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure, but I think that sleep command uses sleep(0) system call which causes the current thread to relinquish control of the CPU and allows the clipmenud process to catch the window name in time.

It's a bit hacky, but works for me.

cdown commented 3 years ago

Hmm, why don't you just use clipctl disable? :-)

jakubgs commented 3 years ago

Oh, that's even better. Thanks!

jakubgs commented 3 years ago

Hmmm, but I'm getting clipmenud is not running:

 > clipctl disable                  
clipmenud is not running

 > clipctl enable                   
clipmenud is not running

 > systemctl --user status clipmenu       
● clipmenu.service - Clipboard management daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/nix/store/9c31dhdwdak52dc195masrq94ldz7x7v-unit-clipmenu.service/clipmenu.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Wed 2021-03-10 23:10:38 CET; 25s ago
   Main PID: 8375 (.clipmenud-wrap)
     CGroup: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/clipmenu.service
             ├─8375 /nix/store/9ywr69qi622lrmx5nn88gk8jpmihy0dz-bash-4.4-p23/bin/bash /nix/store/grjqwkz5y4lk1sg1ickzba3vacns9gzg-clipmenu-6.1.0/bin/.clip>
             └─9363 clipnotify

Mar 10 23:10:38 caspair systemd[4887]: clipmenu.service: Succeeded.
Mar 10 23:10:38 caspair systemd[4887]: Stopped Clipboard management daemon.
Mar 10 23:10:38 caspair systemd[4887]: Started Clipboard management daemon.

Must be something about how I run the user systemd service.

jakubgs commented 3 years ago


 > pgrep -u "$(id -u)" -nf 'clipmenud$'

 > pgrep -u "$(id -u)" -nf 'clipmenud' 
jakubgs commented 3 years ago

Oh, it's because of how it's run:

 > grep ExecStart /nix/store/9c31dhdwdak52dc195masrq94ldz7x7v-unit-clipmenu.service/clipmenu.service

 > cat /nix/store/grjqwkz5y4lk1sg1ickzba3vacns9gzg-clipmenu-6.1.0/bin/clipmenud
#! /nix/store/9ywr69qi622lrmx5nn88gk8jpmihy0dz-bash-4.4-p23/bin/bash -e
export PATH='/nix/store/si3a71s4jrn8v2llv5kywxhw4pkg32cc-clipnotify-git-2018-02-20/bin:/nix/store/859fmkp1qad7l4qllaxs0j9r5sls7qxn-xsel-unstable-2019-08-21/bin:/nix/store/949i8wzps6c3dn0x949q4pn964z1581y-dmenu-4.9/bin:/nix/store/2mjxf37a3yrbkk5jd7r2gnwmcig5wkr9-util-linux-2.36-bin/bin:/nix/store/b9j6qhmxpwfvga2bfxn1khjrv3v3qxg7-gawk-5.1.0/bin'${PATH:+':'}$PATH
exec -a "$0" "/nix/store/grjqwkz5y4lk1sg1ickzba3vacns9gzg-clipmenu-6.1.0/bin/.clipmenud-wrapped"  "$@"

It's because the process is called .clipmenud-wrapped not clipmenud. Annoying.

jakubgs commented 3 years ago

Oh, looks like this was already fixed in nixos-unstable:

It just hasn't trickled down into nixos-20.09. Easy enough fix.

{ pkgs, ... }:

  unstablePkgs = import <nixos-unstable> { };
in {
  # Enable clipboard manager
  services.clipmenu = {
    enable = true;
    package = unstablePkgs.clipmenu;

And now it works:

 > clipctl disable

 > clipctl enable