cdp1337 / ARKSurvivalAscended-Linux

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Setting up a second server / cluster Island - Scorched Earth #18

Open Shanpapa opened 3 months ago

Shanpapa commented 3 months ago

Hi, Can I use your install method to create a second server for scorched Earth map please? I like to run both map at the same time. Thanks

Shanpapa commented 3 months ago

Just copied the main server folder into an other folder Now I have : /home/steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/ARK Survival Ascended Scorched Earth Dedicated Server/ and /home/steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/ARK Survival Ascended Dedicated Server/

and changed the path in the service file, the server is running now but when restarting is not updating it :/

Flux001337 commented 3 months ago


here my way and it works on my server.

I Just copy my "/home/steam/Steam/steamapps/common/ARK Survival Ascended Dedicated Server" to "/home/steam/Steam/steamapps/common/ARK Scorched Earth Ascended Dedicated Server" include all data and edit the game config.

then copy the "ark-island.service" to "ark-scorched-earth" and edit lines:

at the end run "systemctl daemon-reload" and "systemctl start ark-scorched-earth"


To check the if the Update run " journalctl -xeu ark-scorched-earth.service":

........ Apr 02 21:16:33 ** steamcmd[1576524]: -- type 'quit' to exit -- Apr 02 21:16:33 ** steamcmd[1576524]: Loading Steam API...OK Apr 02 21:16:36 ** steamcmd[1576524]: Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...OK Apr 02 21:16:36 ** steamcmd[1576524]: Waiting for client config...OK Apr 02 21:17:01 ** steamcmd[1576524]: Waiting for user info...OK Apr 02 21:17:01 ** steamcmd[1576524]: Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 0.05 (6291456 / 11519475579) Apr 02 21:17:01 ** steamcmd[1576524]: Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 6.08 (700717634 / 11519475579) Apr 02 21:17:01 ** steamcmd[1576524]: Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 14.24 (1640145958 / 11519475579) Apr 02 21:17:01 ** steamcmd[1576524]: Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 22.49 (2591289406 / 11519475579) Apr 02 21:17:01 ** steamcmd[1576524]: Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 30.65 (3531197422 / 11519475579) Apr 02 21:17:01 ** steamcmd[1576524]: Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 38.90 (4481426926 / 11519475579) Apr 02 21:17:01 ** steamcmd[1576524]: Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 47.03 (5417906614 / 11519475579) Apr 02 21:17:01 ** steamcmd[1576524]: Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 55.35 (6375825990 / 11519475579) Apr 02 21:17:01 ** steamcmd[1576524]: Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 63.51 (7315723243 / 11519475579) Apr 02 21:17:01 ** steamcmd[1576524]: Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 71.86 (8278270987 / 11519475579) Apr 02 21:17:01 ** steamcmd[1576524]: Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 80.01 (9216173051 / 11519475579) Apr 02 21:17:01 ** steamcmd[1576524]: Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 88.18 (10157780358 / 11519475579) Apr 02 21:17:01 ** steamcmd[1576524]: Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 96.50 (11116178822 / 11519475579) Apr 02 21:17:01 ** steamcmd[1576524]: Success! App '2430930' fully installed. Apr 02 21:17:01 ** systemd[1]: Started ark-scorched-earth.service - ARK Survival Ascended Dedicated Server 2 (Scorched Earth).

I hope it helps ^^

Shanpapa commented 3 months ago

Hello, thank you for your response. I did the same, also created a new service file, the server is running and restarting as well. However, when there's a patch, it doesn't update the content of the copied directory, only the originally installed directory receiving the patch. Currently, here's how my two service files look:

Ark - Island

[Unit] Description=ARK Survival Ascended Dedicated Server (Island)

[Service] Type=simple LimitNOFILE=10000 User=steam Group=steam ExecStartPre=/usr/games/steamcmd +login anonymous +app_update 2430930 validate +quit WorkingDirectory=/home/steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/ARK Survival Ascended Dedicated Server/ShooterGame/Binaries/Win64 Environment=XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/0 Environment="STEAM_COMPAT_CLIENT_INSTALL_PATH=/home/steam/.local/share/Steam" Environment="STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=/home/steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/2430930" ExecStart=/home/steam/.local/share/Steam/compatibilitytools.d/GE-Proton8-21/proton run ArkAscendedServer.exe TheIsland_WP?listen?Port=7777 Restart=on-failure RestartSec=20s [Install]

And here is the Ark - ScorchedEarth

[Unit] Description=ARK Survival Ascended Dedicated Server (ScorchedEarth)

[Service] Type=simple LimitNOFILE=10000 User=steam Group=steam ExecStartPre=/usr/games/steamcmd +login anonymous +app_update 2430930 validate +quit WorkingDirectory=/home/steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/ARK Survival Ascended Scorched Earth Dedicated Server/ShooterGame/Binaries/Win64 Environment=XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/0 Environment="STEAM_COMPAT_CLIENT_INSTALL_PATH=/home/steam/.local/share/Steam" Environment="STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=/home/steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/2430930" ExecStart=/home/steam/.local/share/Steam/compatibilitytools.d/GE-Proton8-21/proton run ArkAscendedServer.exe ScorchedEarth_WP?listen?Port=7778 Restart=on-failure RestartSec=20s


The only part I haven't changed is the Environment=XDG_RUNTIME_DIR= and the ExecStartPre because I'm not sure what I should change this to. If you have any suggestions, I'd appreciate it in advance.

Flux001337 commented 3 months ago

I let you know my result after the next ASA update....

By the way... do not use Game port +1 for the 2. Server instance This is the Raw UDP socket port (always Game client port +1)

Use 7779 for the 2. Server instance instead.

What is the result if you type: "journalctl -xeu **.service" after start?

Shanpapa commented 3 months ago

Thanks for reply, changed the port, run "systemctl daemon-reload" as well.

journalctl -xeu ark-scorched.service Apr 04 08:21:30 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Waiting for client config> Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Waiting for user info...OK Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Update state (0x5) verif> Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Update state (0x5) verif> Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Update state (0x5) verif> Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Update state (0x5) verif> Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Update state (0x5) verif> Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Update state (0x5) verif> Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Update state (0x5) verif> Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Update state (0x5) verif> Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Update state (0x5) verif> Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Update state (0x5) verif> Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Success! App '2430930' fu> Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers systemd[1]: Started ark-scorched.service - > ░░ Subject: A start job for unit ark-scorched.service has finished successfully ░░ Defined-By: systemd ░░ Support: ░░ ░░ A start job for unit ark-scorched.service has finished successfully. ░░ ░░ The job identifier is 67168. lines 5044-5064/5064 (END) Apr 04 08:21:30 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Waiting for client config...OK Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Waiting for user info...OK Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 0.14 (16777216 / 11679220579) Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 10.43 (1218368607 / 11679220579) Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 20.57 (2402327379 / 11679220579) Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 30.87 (3605079531 / 11679220579) Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 41.16 (4807587151 / 11679220579) Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 51.35 (5997524979 / 11679220579) Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 61.69 (7204339240 / 11679220579) Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 71.64 (8366798408 / 11679220579) Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 81.30 (9495440936 / 11679220579) Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 91.38 (10672558947 / 11679220579) Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers steamcmd[295352]: Success! App '2430930' fully installed. Apr 04 08:21:51 ShanpapaGameservers systemd[1]: Started ark-scorched.service - ARK Survival Ascended Dedicated Server (ScorchedEarth). ░░ Subject: A start job for unit ark-scorched.service has finished successfully ░░ Defined-By: systemd ░░ Support: ░░ ░░ A start job for unit ark-scorched.service has finished successfully. ░░ ░░ The job identifier is 67168. Regarding this, I don't see the issue, not sure why is not updated.

Flux001337 commented 3 months ago


ExecStartPre=/usr/games/steamcmd +force_install_dir <YoureDirectory> +login anonymous +app_update 2430930 validate +quit

I don't know what happens if there are spaces in the Directory-Path. I think SteamCMD does not support spaces!! You might have to escape them.

Shanpapa commented 3 months ago

Hello, thank you for your response, waited for the new update but something is just messed up. server is restarting but not updated, so what I do is just sync the main folder content with the secondary folder and changing the config file at each restart, don't know what else I can do, and what coursing the issue.

rsync -av /home/steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/ARK\ Survival\ Ascended\ Dedicated\ Server/ /home/steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/ARK\ Survival\ Ascended\ Scorched\ Earth\ Dedicated\ Server/

Shanpapa commented 3 months ago

So I know is not the best but is working now. I created a bash file, and is do everything


echo "Running synchronization..."

echo "Restarting and updating Ark Island server..." systemctl restart ark-island echo "Done."

echo "Waiting for the Ark Island server to restart and update..." sleep 300

echo "Stopping Ark ScorchedEarth server..." systemctl stop ark-scorched echo "Done."

echo "Copying content from Island directory to ScorchedEarth directory..." rsync -av /home/steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/ARK\ Survival\ Ascended\ Dedicated\ Server/ /home/steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/ARK\ Survival\ Ascended\ Scorched\ Earth\ Dedicated\ Server/ echo "Done."

echo "Overwriting settings..." rsync -av /home/steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/ArkScorchedSettings/WindowsServer/* /home/steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/ARK\ Survival\ Ascended\ Scorched\ Earth\ Dedicated\ Server/ShooterGame/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/ echo "Done."

echo "Restarting Ark ScorchedEarth server..." systemctl start ark-scorched echo "Done."

echo "Synchronization completed successfully."