cds-astro / cds-healpix-rust

The CDS HEALPix library in Rust (WebAssembly, Python, ...)
Apache License 2.0
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Question: the origin of SMALLER_EDGE2OPEDGE_DIST table #10

Open hombit opened 2 months ago

hombit commented 2 months ago

At LINCC Frameworks, we are working on spatial algorithms using HEALPix grids, most over on cross-matching. The minimum distance between opposite edges and other geometrical properties of the HEALPix tiles are very important to us.

Could you please tell me the origin of this array with minimum distances between opposite edges of a pixel?

Is there any paper about that? The comment section also lists other properties. Where did they come from?

fxpineau commented 2 months ago

It comes from my own work:

hombit commented 2 months ago

A bit more context: We are working on a Healpix geometry analysis paper and have some preliminary results regarding the minimum distances between edges. We checked the numbers today and found that, at least for some Healpix orders, we can find slightly smaller distances than specified in the code.

The analysis and results are still preliminary, but they look practically useful for this project. We are happy to schedule a meeting or discuss it in any other way you find convenient. Please let me know what you think about it here or by email:

hombit commented 2 months ago

@fxpineau thank you! I was writing my last comment just when you posted your one, I'll check all the references!

fxpineau commented 2 months ago

Ok, I will write to you tomorrow. The values in the Rust code come from the Java library. I may dig into my (possibly unpublished?) code to find how I computed it. (I was off for a few days and will be back at work tomorrow).

fxpineau commented 2 months ago

@hombit, I was back from a long trip yesterday, my mind is more clear this morning.

First of all, thank you for your message and for the double-check.

Having too large values in SMALLER_EDGE2OPEDGE_DIST is problematic since it may lead to miss some associations if used in a cross-match. This array is not used inside the Healpix library, it may contain wrong values that have not been spotted yet.

I have two questions:

I dug into my (private) Java code, here an excerpt:

private static double computeCellHashSmallerEdgeToOppositeEdgeDistance(int depth) {
    final double nside = (double) Healpix.nside(depth);
    final F f = new DistInNorthPolarCapNegativeSlope(0d, TRANSITION_LATITUDE, 2 / nside, 0.25 * PI / nside);
    final double xMin = TRANSITION_LATITUDE;
    final double xMax = TRANSITION_LATITUDE + 1 / nside;
    final int nIterMax = 100;
    final double xRelErrTol = 1e-16;
    final double yRelErrTol = 1e-16;
    final double latRad = Minimization.xOfMinimum(f, xMin,  xMax, nIterMax, xRelErrTol, yRelErrTol);
    final double squareOfsinOfhalfDist = f.f(latRad);
    final double dist = 2 * asin(sqrt(squareOfsinOfhalfDist));
    return dist;

  private static final class DistInNorthPolarCapNegativeSlope implements F {

    private final AngularDistanceComputer dComputer;

    private final double cLon;
    private final double cLat;
    private final double cLatCos;
    private final double b;

    private DistInNorthPolarCapNegativeSlope(final double centerLonRad, final double centerLatRad,
        final double b, final double angleScaleInRad) {
      this.dComputer = AngularDistanceComputer.getComputer(angleScaleInRad);
      this.cLon = centerLonRad;
      this.cLat = centerLatRad;
      this.cLatCos = cos(this.cLat);
      this.b = b;
    public double f(double x) {
      final double lat = x;
      final double z = sin(lat);
      final double bigZ = sqrt(3 * (1 - z));
      final double y2d = 1 - bigZ;
      // X = Z * (4/pi * lon - 1) + 1
      // y2D = -x2d + b
      final double x2d = this.b - y2d;
      final double lon = ((x2d - 1) / bigZ + 1) * PI * 0.25;
      return dComputer.squareOfsinOfhalfDistInRad2(lon - this.cLon, lat - this.cLat,
          this.cLatCos, cos(lat));

private static final class DistInNorthPolarCapNegativeSlope implements F {

    private final AngularDistanceComputer dComputer;

    private final double cLon;
    private final double cLat;
    private final double cLatCos;
    private final double b;

    private DistInNorthPolarCapNegativeSlope(final double centerLonRad, final double centerLatRad,
        final double b, final double angleScaleInRad) {
      this.dComputer = AngularDistanceComputer.getComputer(angleScaleInRad);
      this.cLon = centerLonRad;
      this.cLat = centerLatRad;
      this.cLatCos = cos(this.cLat);
      this.b = b;
    public double f(double x) {
      final double lat = x;
      final double z = sin(lat);
      final double bigZ = sqrt(3 * (1 - z));
      final double y2d = 1 - bigZ;
      // X = Z * (4/pi * lon - 1) + 1
      // y2D = -x2d + b
      final double x2d = this.b - y2d;
      final double lon = ((x2d - 1) / bigZ + 1) * PI * 0.25;
      return dComputer.squareOfsinOfhalfDistInRad2(lon - this.cLon, lat - this.cLat,
          this.cLatCos, cos(lat));

private static final void genSMALLER_EDGE2OPEDGE_DIST() {
    System.out.println("double[] SMALLER_EDGE2OPEDGE_DIST = new double[]{");
    for (int d = 0; d <= Healpix.DEPTH_MAX; d++) {
      double dist = computeCellHashSmallerEdgeToOppositeEdgeDistance(d);
      if (d != Healpix.DEPTH_MAX) {
        System.out.println(", // depth = " + d);
    // A partir d'un momment, faire la flat sky approximation ??
    // center = (0, TRANS_Z)
    // Strait line defined by:
    // P1: x1 = lon1 = 0, y1 = lat(Y=1/nside) => y1 = lat1 = asin(1 - (1 - 1/nside)^2/3 - TRANSITION_LATITUDE);
    // P2: x2 = PI/4 * 1/nside, y2 = lat2 = 0 = TRANSITION_LATITUDE - TRANSITION_LATITUDE
    // => y = (y2-y1)/(x2 - x1) x + y1
    // => trouver le perpendiculaire a cette droite, passant par l'origine

In which Minimization uses the Golden Section Search in One dimansion of the Numerecial Recipes 3, section 10.2.


You may have find a more robust way to estimate those values (e.g. using path_along_cell_edge at order 29).

Let's continue by email (or zoom, or ...) as you suggested: Thanks again.

fxpineau commented 2 months ago

So, the location of the minimum distance depends on the depth. The location is the same for depth 0 and 1, but then it changes. I made a Rust code to compute new values from new assumptions (intuitive assumptions that must be checked more carefully). The starting point of the new assumptions are the values (distance + center of the cell) provided by @hombit for depth from 0 to 14. The new values and the code to compute them is available in commit eb82866a8cadc926ea73c9b37f05e5c7e676e42a.

hombit commented 2 months ago

Thank you, @fxpineau. I propose to keep this issue open until I and @smcguire-cmu finish our analysis and report the results back. The rough time estimate is a month

fxpineau commented 1 month ago

I agree. FYI, I pushed on an new version of the library with refined values using 100_000_000 sub-segments at orders 1 to 9 (inclusive), 10_000_000 sub-segments at order 10 and 1_000_000 sub-segments from 11 to 15 (inclusive). See here. I am waiting for your analysis to possibly further improve those values (and to confirm that the assumptions are correct). Thank you again.

hombit commented 1 month ago

Sounds great!