Closed cds-hooks-bot closed 6 years ago
Proposed Disposition: Persuasive Proposed Disposition Comment: Change the user field documentation to state:
The id of the user. For example, if the user represents a FHIR resource on the given FHIR server...(existing documentation we have today).
Meeting notes:
Julia Skapik moved the following disposition, seconded by @brynrhodes.
Disposition: Persuasive Disposition Comment: Change the user field documentation to state:
The id of the user. For example, if the user represents a FHIR resource on the given FHIR server...(existing documentation we have today).
:+1: For: 12 :expressionless: Abstain: 0 :-1: Against: 0
:tada: The motion passed! :tada:
May 2018 Ballot Comment 14
Submitted by @bvdh from Philips Healthcare
Chapter: CDS Services Section: Calling a CDS Service - http request Type: A-Q :question: In Person Requested? Yes :bust_in_silhouette:
Existing Wording:
Comment: What will this field mean if no FHIR server is provided? Wouldn't a full URL be better?
Triage Information
Triage Notes: Reviewed with Bas
Proposed Disposition: Persuasive Proposed Disposition Comment: Change the user field documentation to state:
The id of the user. For example, if the user represents a FHIR resource on the given FHIR server...(existing documentation we have today).
This issue was imported by @cds-hooks-bot from the consolidated CDS Hooks May 2018 ballot spreadsheet.