CDS Client hosts a well-known json file of key/value pairs describing a CDS Client's support of CDS Hooks towards the goal of enabling sufficiently advanced CDS Services to dynamically re-configuring itself.
GET {some base url, see below}/.well-known/cds-hooks-configuration
Question: Where does this capability statement reside, and how does the CDS Service know about it?
Note that CDS Clients aren't required to have a fhirServer and that the fhirServer is not communicated when the CDS Client queries the CDS Service's discovery endpoint
{JWT's iss}/.well-known/cds-hooks-configuration
Note that CDS Client do authenticate (provide a JWT) both when calling discovery and the service, but that the most reasonable iss value would be the CDS Client's authorization server, possibly totally unrelated to its FHIR server and CDS Client.
{some url provided in the discovery request}/.well-known/cds-hooks-configuration
{some url provided in the cds hooks request}/.well-known/cds-hooks-configuration
During the Jan HL7 WGM as part of CDS Hooks 1.1 issue resolution, we talked through this jira, from @bvdh:
CDS Client hosts a well-known json file of key/value pairs describing a CDS Client's support of CDS Hooks towards the goal of enabling sufficiently advanced CDS Services to dynamically re-configuring itself.
GET {some base url, see below}/.well-known/cds-hooks-configuration
value would be the CDS Client's authorization server, possibly totally unrelated to its FHIR server and CDS Client.