cds-snc / c19-benefits-node

Answer some questions to find which federal programs can help you - Répondez à quelques questions pour trouver quels programmes d’aide financière fédéraux s’offrent à vous
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People shouldn't be able to submit empty feedback #515

Closed CalvinRodo closed 4 years ago

CalvinRodo commented 4 years ago


Add an error message when a user submits an empty feedback form:

Will display the following with JS enabled: image

Will redirect to the following with JS Disabled: image

Test Instructions

  1. Submit empty feedback with JS on.

  2. Error message should appear

  3. Submit empty feedback with JS Disabled

    • To disable open developer tools (cmd+shift+c_
    • Open settings finder (cmd+shift+p)
    • Type Javascript then select "disable Javascript"
    • Follow the same steps to enable it.
  4. Should redirect to error page

Help Requested

Please validate the text on the no-js page as we do not have a design for no javascript for successful and unsuccessful feedback submissions

CalvinRodo commented 4 years ago

With JS enabled, when I scrolled down to submit, the error message appeared above the view of my screen, so I thought the site was hung up. If possible, I think we need to scroll the view up to the error message when it's displayed.

It now should focus and scroll up to the error message with JS Enabled.