cds-snc / c19-benefits-node

Answer some questions to find which federal programs can help you - Répondez à quelques questions pour trouver quels programmes d’aide financière fédéraux s’offrent à vous
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Small Text Changes #521

Closed CalvinRodo closed 4 years ago

CalvinRodo commented 4 years ago


Closes: Page Figma Site
M2a image image
M6 image image
mResults1 image image
M10 image image
M10 French image image

Test Instructions

  1. Navigate to the following pages: M2: Select Vous avez perdu votre revenu en entier. when prompted. M6: Select Non or Vous n’êtes pas certain. on Allocation canadienne pour enfants MResults1: Ensure you have 1 benefit. M10: Navigate through the site you'll get there eventuall.

Help Requested

corahansen commented 4 years ago

M10 does not appear in the deployment link.

M2, M6, MResults1, approved.

corahansen commented 4 years ago

M10 approved.