cds-snc / c19-benefits-node

Answer some questions to find which federal programs can help you - Répondez à quelques questions pour trouver quels programmes d’aide financière fédéraux s’offrent à vous
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Removed duplicate back button on results page #536

Closed var-kyle closed 4 years ago

var-kyle commented 4 years ago


Removed a duplicate back button on the results page. Aligned the back button with the start over button on the results page as well. Because of the change, some logic was added to hide the start over button while not on the results page.

Not the results page image

The results page image

Test Instructions

Step through the questionnaire and notice the start over button is at the bottom, as it should be. Once at the results page, the start over button should be at the top of the page, beside the back button.
