cds-snc / notification-planning-core

Project planning for GC Notify Core Team
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Move EKS administration to private endpoint #293

Open ben851 opened 4 months ago

ben851 commented 4 months ago


As a developer of GC Notify, I would like our administrative endpoints to be as secure as possible so that we can stay out of the news.

It is best practice that the EKS admin API not be exposed publicly. With the introduction of our VPN, we can now move this behind the VPN.

WHY are we building?

WHAT are we building?

VALUE created by our solution

Increased security and reliability Policy conformance

Acceptance Criteria

Given some context, when (X) action occurs, then (Y) outcome is achieved.

QA Steps

ben851 commented 4 months ago

I've got the github ARC runner working inside the cluster, but it needs some additional config in order to work with our existing workflows. Working on that today.

ben851 commented 4 months ago

Implemented private EKS with ARC runners working on custom runner image, verified workflow works. Wrote the beginning of the private EKS ADR.

ben851 commented 3 months ago

Completed ADR. Need to follow up with next steps.

ben851 commented 3 months ago

Jimmy will review the ADR once more, and I will proceed with the Terraform and Manifest PRs

ben851 commented 3 months ago

Running into issues with the docker build step in notification-api which uses kubectl. Working on solutions.

ben851 commented 3 months ago

Working on centralizing the kubernetes rollouts to manifest, and have other workflows call that workflow remotely. I have this working with CURL, and am trying to integrate it into the api workflow.

ben851 commented 3 months ago

Integrated into the API workflow. I've created 5 PRs to move the remaining components. Note that the manifests one must be merged first, or the other PRs will break functionality.

ben851 commented 3 months ago

PR for TF on ARC

jimleroyer commented 3 months ago

Many PRs to review and approve for Ben to move on.

ben851 commented 3 months ago

A ton of work done over the last two days. Github ARC is in staging, and is working on several workflows.

The merge to main staging (and production) manifest kustomize code is too old for the latest version of kubectl. I will have to update it before proceeding.

jimleroyer commented 3 months ago

Many trials and errors yesterday. Got a few issues with kubectl and need to update the kustomize code today to re-organize and get past troubled waters and trying times.

ben851 commented 3 months ago

Kustomize refactored for dev and staging and now running on internal GHA properly!

Next step is to do the app workflow updates, which will occur tomorrow.

jimleroyer commented 3 months ago

Ben: "It's all working!" Staging environment is good with the manifests changes. A few more repositories to migrate for today and more PRs coming in.

ben851 commented 3 months ago

PRs for Monday:

sastels commented 3 months ago

Some access token issues that were fixed last week. Work almost ready to switch!

ben851 commented 3 months ago

Converted ARC to use GitHub App (Notify PR Bot) instead of PAT. Updated the ADR to reflect this. Private EKS is ready to go out today after notify dev review

sastels commented 3 months ago

in staging, ready for testing. Will let it sit in staging for a week before pushing changes to prod

sastels commented 3 months ago

Had an issue deploying k8s to staging. fixed now but needs improvement.

ben851 commented 3 months ago

ben851 commented 3 months ago

P0NDER0SA commented 3 months ago

This is deployed to staging so we're letting it sit for a week to stew. (we're getting a stew going)

The 3 PRs above need to be merged 👆

P0NDER0SA commented 3 months ago

The PRs were merged and now we're looking to review the work and make sure it's all good

P0NDER0SA commented 3 months ago

waiting til tuesday to get the prod prs going

P0NDER0SA commented 3 months ago

we have to change some production code

jimleroyer commented 2 months ago

This is done in staging and dev. We need to change a release pipeline in production. Waiting for today's release. Won't be enabled in production, we just want to verify first if the github controllers work in production.

ben851 commented 2 months ago

Started work on prod: New version of github arc runner image to include jq

Updated production kustomize to build against latest kubectl

ben851 commented 2 months ago

Still waiting for a review on 2515

ben851 commented 2 months ago

2515 Merged, to be released tomorrow

sastels commented 2 months ago

released, just a bit more work debugging the prod release workflow.

ben851 commented 2 months ago

Made changes to production workflows yesterday. Will be tested during release process today. If they work, I can switch prod to private eks.

ben851 commented 2 months ago

Workflow worked on github arc, created PR to move to private eks.

sastels commented 2 months ago

ready for review!

sastels commented 2 months ago

merged, ready for release then QA in prod

ben851 commented 2 months ago

Released in prod, ready for QA

jimleroyer commented 2 months ago

Pond is QA'ing.

P0NDER0SA commented 2 months ago

Verified. connectivity to Production K8s only works when the vpn is turned on