cds-snc / notification-planning-core

Project planning for GC Notify Core Team
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Turn on new Pinpoint code in production: default pool too #367

Closed sastels closed 2 weeks ago

sastels commented 3 weeks ago


As a Notify user, I need my SMS to be sent from the appropriate numbers

WHY are we building?

We have brought the pinpoint code back into the code base and it seems to be working. We will now enable it in production.

WHAT are we building?

Turn on Pinpoint code in production: both shortcode pool and default pool

VALUE created by our solution

Will be able to restrict shortcode usage.

Acceptance Criteria

QA Steps

sastels commented 3 weeks ago

Side note: looks like our production sms sending limit with Pinpoint is currently $10,000 USD

Wait - the sns_monthly_spend_limit in terraform is 30000 - this is likely where we're getting the Pinpoint "Account limit" from. But we have our "Enforced limit" set to 10000. Probably we just didn't update it when we increased our spend limit to 30000. Probably we should just set it to track the max

sastels commented 2 weeks ago

Made some new cards to break down the work (and include both staging and prod sides of the work):