cds-snc / notification-planning-core

Project planning for GC Notify Core Team
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Upgrade SRE lambda module usage to latest usages #371

Open jimleroyer opened 2 weeks ago

jimleroyer commented 2 weeks ago


As a Ben super power, I need to upgrade our latest SRE modules usages to latest, So that I can have less old bugs, more new ones, and latest security updates.

WHY are we building?

Jimmy discovered that we have some LogsInsights queries that do not work because these refer to a lambda SRE module that contained some bugs from older version.

WHAT are we building?

Upgrading the SRE TF modules (and other if possible) to latest or updated version.


VALUE created by our solution

Latest software with less bugs and working LogsInsight queries.

Acceptance Criteria

QA Steps

sastels commented 2 weeks ago

@patheard @sylviamclaughlin What would be the effort to migrate from SRE terraform lambda module version 4 to 9? Is there any documentation for us to follow?

sastels commented 2 weeks ago

Ben will run a little spike to figure out the effort.

patheard commented 2 weeks ago

Here are the changes to that module over those versions but unfortunately we don't have any docs that go through the upgrade steps needed:

# from the `cds-snc/terraform-modules` repo
git diff v4.0.0 v9.4.10 -- lambda/ 

The two changes I can see potentially having an impact on you are around the new publish and alias_name input variables. The easiest way to test would be to bump the version and run a Terraform plan to see what the module wants to do.