As a developer of notify, I would like the pinpoint infrastructure to be controlled by terraform so that I have a consistent way of developing and deploying our infrastructure.
WHY are we building?
The rest of our infrastructure is managed by terraform, we want to be consistent.
WHAT are we building?
Migrate the pinpoint create pools script to terraform
VALUE created by our solution
Simplify the deployment process of our system
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] Pinpoint is completely managed by terraform
[ ] We can create the pinpoint resources with cloudwatch enabled or disabled
As a developer of notify, I would like the pinpoint infrastructure to be controlled by terraform so that I have a consistent way of developing and deploying our infrastructure.
WHY are we building?
The rest of our infrastructure is managed by terraform, we want to be consistent.
WHAT are we building?
Migrate the pinpoint create pools script to terraform
VALUE created by our solution
Acceptance Criteria
QA Steps