cds-snc / notification-planning

Project planning for GC Notify Team
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Update Trial service creation questionnaire to change monthly volumes to daily #1328

Open yaelberger-commits opened 1 year ago

yaelberger-commits commented 1 year ago

Update Trial service creation questionnaire to change monthly volumes to daily

As a user, I need to be able to tell Notify how many notifications (email and/or SMS) I predict to send daily, so that I can set up my Trial account successfully.

As a user, I need to know as early as possible if Notify cannot support the volume of notifications I need for my service daily, so that I can find another solution that meets my needs before sinking too much time/effort into onboarding with Notify.

As a Notify admin, I need to be able to know how many notifications (email and/or SMS) a service owner predicts to send daily, so that I can ensure their use case falls within our Terms of Use.

WHY are we building? We currently ask service owners to tell us expected monthly volume, but that data isn't very useful to Notify admin. WHAT are we building? New content in our Trial questionnaire to ask for expected daily volume, instead of monthly VALUE created by our solution We will have better data of expected daily volumes, and we will be able to vet use cases more easily to ensure we can support them before a service gets too far along. We will also trigger the question for our users early in the onboarding flow (Trial service creation step) to start thinking about how much daily volume their service needs.

Documentation and Artifacts

Good docs, figma mockups, ADRs, screenshots etc.

Acceptance Criteria

Given some context, when (X) action occurs, then (Y) outcome is achieved

Related Research Airtable records

QA Steps

GC Articles Publish checklist

yaelberger-commits commented 8 months ago

We will need to update more than just volume questions, and also when they go live, not just trial service creation. And we will need to consult with Support on this to not break Airtable integration

yaelberger-commits commented 3 months ago

Hey team! Please add your planning poker estimate with Zenhub @amazingphilippe @YedidaZalik