cds-snc / notification-planning

Project planning for GC Notify Team
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Service Mapping for Annual Limits Enforcement #1654

Open yaelberger-commits opened 2 weeks ago

yaelberger-commits commented 2 weeks ago


As a (user), I need to be able to do (X) so that I can achieve (Y) outcome.

WHY are we building? WHAT are we building? VALUE created by our solution

Documentation and Artifacts

Miro All maps Figma screens Product requirement doc

Acceptance Criteria

Given some context, when (X) action occurs, then (Y) outcome is achieved

Related Research Airtable records

QA Steps

yaelberger-commits commented 2 weeks ago

Please add your planning poker estimate with Zenhub @amazingphilippe

yaelberger-commits commented 2 weeks ago

Reviewing solutions being explored so far this morning

jessicalfan commented 2 weeks ago

Created v1.0 of several solution user flows. Got set up in Figma, now beginning light prototyping of visual indicators of annual limits.

amazingphilippe commented 2 weeks ago

Created wireframes and happy paths. Some discussion about how to handle current and future exceptions is needed to shape the user flows. Stroy refinement?

yaelberger-commits commented 2 weeks ago

Service mapping, wireframes and screens are all underway Conversations in Slack about exceptions Bring to team discussion/Josh

yaelberger-commits commented 2 weeks ago

Bring to Story Refinement today

jessicalfan commented 2 weeks ago

Clarified two scenarios with team (hard limit, flexible limit), drafted service blueprint of the first one.

yaelberger-commits commented 2 weeks ago

Jessica and Phil will work on 1st Scenario Blueprint today and get Yael's feedback

jessicalfan commented 1 week ago

Explored UI options for visual indicators around annual limit across pages (with Phil). Started on 2nd Scenario Blueprint - continuing that today.

yaelberger-commits commented 1 week ago

@amazingphilippe did some designs/mockups for annual limits on the dashboard.

yaelberger-commits commented 1 week ago

Phil and Jessica looked at more service maps for SMS/Emails. Also looked at Figma mockups. Bring this to Dev Design review this morning

yaelberger-commits commented 1 week ago

Jessica will share 2 scenarios (hard limit and flex limit) Get input on priority features from the team

yaelberger-commits commented 1 week ago

Jessica and Phil to meet this morning following a design jam yesterday

yaelberger-commits commented 1 week ago

Yael will bring some decision points to Josh for discussion, Yael, Phil and Jessica to meet early next week following sync with Josh

yaelberger-commits commented 4 days ago

Phil and Jessica to sync again this morning following sync with Josh yesterday

yaelberger-commits commented 4 days ago

Jessica will blueprint out more detailed paths for 3 user groups Thinking about blueprinting the way we increase default limits, especially for SMS Start on Requirements doc

yaelberger-commits commented 3 days ago

Phil started working on the PRD. Continuing today

yaelberger-commits commented 3 days ago

Jessica working on Blueprinting 3 scenarios. Can share first one in Story Refinement. Then will work on how we transition existing users to a higher default limit. If time, will help Phil on PRD