cds-snc / notification-planning

Project planning for GC Notify Team
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Update documentation to include character limits for SMS #798

Open yaelberger-commits opened 2 years ago

yaelberger-commits commented 2 years ago

Update documentation to include character limits for SMS


As a Sender or decision maker using Notify, I need to know what the SMS character limits are so that I can write my text message templates accordingly, provide a good recipient UX and know how much a notification might cost in terms of my free SMS quota or if I go over.

The overall SMS characters limit in Notify is currently 612. This will be divided in 4 multi-part SMS message as the maximum for individual ones are 160 characters, but most modern SMS client on mobiles attach these back seamlessly for the user, giving the impression it is one message. On Notify side though, we will record these multi parts and that will count as 4 SMS/notifications toward your yearly SMS limit. ​

WHY are we building? We get support questions asking what the SMS character limit is.

WHAT are we building? Better documentation

VALUE created by our solution More Senders will be able to self-serve and find the information they are looking for proactively, instead of having to reach out to support to find answers. More confidence in Notify, better reputation, less friction onboarding, creating templates and sending messages Our support staff will have fewer tickets asking about SMS character limits.

Acceptance Criteria** (Definition of done)

To be refined through discussion with the team

Given some context, when (X) action occurs, then (Y) outcome is achieved

If this user story emerged from User Research insights:

QA Steps

adriannelee commented 1 year ago

Moving this card to Ice Box because we're not doing Fragments at the moment. Replacing with #1307