As a form builder,
I want to import a pre-made form template,
So that I can stand up my own instance of a common form / process faster.
Consider this form from Freshdesk ticket #18846 as a good candidate for a template. Every single department needs to use this form for all hires.
We've already worked closely with the modernization team at TBS for the entire process gov-wide.
Need the repeating sets feature before it’ll be able to work. In the meantime, they may just use an open text field for the question “List your addresses in the last 5 years”.
Inclusion of new data fields and other features to align with the 2014 Standard on Security Screening (e.g., where Sex was asked on previous form, now we include Gender with “Another” option, as well as an additional question introduced pertaining to applicants born outside of Canada, etc.)
Re-design or restructure of existing sections and fields (e.g., privacy and consent statement expanded and clearly defined, expanded question around previous screening, etc.)
Changes to the level where information is collected (e.g., additional space allotted for applicants to introduce more details)
Removed fields (e.g., references to facsimile numbers, requirement to explain if an applicant has multiple citizenships, etc.)
User story
As a form builder, I want to import a pre-made form template, So that I can stand up my own instance of a common form / process faster.
Changes to form