Metric goal: Track the number of published forms by classification to estimate the cost savings for departments. Forms that are unclassified or protected A are less costly for departments to create than PB ones.
Published forms by classification: The security classification of a form that was published with the intent to collect data from members of the public or public servants. The goal is to use this as an input for a composite costing metric, so we only want to get forms that we believe to be forms that collected (or intended to) collect data from end-users.
Acceptance criteria:
[ ] Collect the following data elements:
For: status (Live, closed, deleted)
For: forms that have a form publishedreason that is “internal-use” or “public-use”
Classification (Unclassified, protected A, protected B)
[ ] Display the number of published forms by classification over time
[ ] Provide filtering to the hour granularity
[ ] Import historical data of number of published forms from airtable
Design document
Costing formula for reference
Metric goal: Track the number of published forms by classification to estimate the cost savings for departments. Forms that are unclassified or protected A are less costly for departments to create than PB ones.
Published forms by classification: The security classification of a form that was published with the intent to collect data from members of the public or public servants. The goal is to use this as an input for a composite costing metric, so we only want to get forms that we believe to be forms that collected (or intended to) collect data from end-users.
Acceptance criteria: