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Find datasets #18

Open dominicwhite opened 9 months ago

dominicwhite commented 9 months ago

Areas of science to pull datasets/problems from:

Natural sciences

Social sciences

Datasets to look for:

dominicwhite commented 9 months ago

palmerpenguins dataset has several papers about it. From the docs:

Data originally published in:

Gorman KB, Williams TD, Fraser WR (2014). Ecological sexual dimorphism and environmental variability within a community of Antarctic penguins (genus Pygoscelis). PLoS ONE 9(3):e90081.

Includes both logistic regression

To assess the explanatory value of various structural parameters for discerning sex of adult penguins, logistic regression was employed using generalized linear models (GLM, family  =  binomial) to account for a response where males were coded as 0 and females coded as 1, in relation to four continuous structural size parameters including 1-culmen depth, 2-culmen length, 3-flipper length, and 4-body mass.

and linear regression:

Least-squares general linear models (LM) were used to examine continuous variation in δ13C and δ15N SI signatures of adult penguin RBCs in relation to three parameters treated as main effects including 1-sex, as determined by molecular data and treated categorically, 2-overall size using a principal components score (PC1) based on culmen depth and length, and flipper length and treated continuously, and 3-year, treated categorically.