cdsteinkuehler / br2rauc

Buildroot + RAUC
51 stars 18 forks source link

Bootfs updates fail #4

Closed cdsteinkuehler closed 2 years ago

cdsteinkuehler commented 2 years ago

With the new partition scheme, updates to the bootfs partition fail. This appears to be a bug with RAUC. I've asked for some support on the RAUC mailing list, but I'll probably just shuffle the partitions around so there isn't an unused primary partition table entry.

$ rauc install /mnt/bootfs.raucb
  0% Installing
  0% Determining slot states
 20% Determining slot states done.
 20% Checking bundle
 20% Verifying signature
 40% Verifying signature done.
 40% Checking bundle done.
 40% Checking manifest contents
 60% Checking manifest contents done.
 60% Determining target install group
 80% Determining target install group done.
 80% Updating slots
 80% Checking slot bootloader.0
 90% Checking slot bootloader.0 done.
 90% Copying image to bootloader.0
100% Copying image to bootloader.0 failed.
100% Updating slots failed.
100% Installing failed.
LastError: Installation error: Failed updating slot bootloader.0: Region start address 0x400000 is in area of partition 4 (0x0 - 0xffffffffffffffff)
Installing `/mnt/bootfs.raucb` failed
$ sudo fdisk -ul /dev/mmcblk0
Disk /dev/mmcblk0: 59 GB, 63864569856 bytes, 124735488 sectors
1948992 cylinders, 4 heads, 16 sectors/track
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes

Device       Boot StartLBA     EndLBA    Sectors  Size Id Type
/dev/mmcblk0p1 *      8192     532479     524288  256M  c Win95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/mmcblk0p2     1056768    1581055     524288  256M 83 Linux
/dev/mmcblk0p3     1581056    7372803    5791748 2828M  f Win95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/mmcblk0p5     1581057    3424256    1843200  900M 83 Linux
/dev/mmcblk0p6     3424258    5267457    1843200  900M 83 Linux
/dev/mmcblk0p7     5267459    7110658    1843200  900M 83 Linux
/dev/mmcblk0p8     7110660    7372803     262144  128M 83 Linux 
cdsteinkuehler commented 2 years ago

Fixed in commit 7cee82983653e3645810a204ecdd0bf54ffda722