Open liuya0904 opened 4 years ago
Hi @liuya0904 ! Sorry for the delay. Maybe the IRDst is not set to the good destination ? It seems you paste your code without indentation (a bit hard to read) Can you use markdown formatting to repost your hook code ?
I pasted all the code as follows:
from miasm.analysis.sandbox import Sandbox_Linux_x86_64
from miasm.analysis.dse import DSEEngine
from miasm.expression.expression import *
from miasm.core.utils import int_to_byte
from miasm.jitter.csts import PAGE_READ, PAGE_WRITE
from miasm.analysis.sandbox import Sandbox_Linux_x86_64
from miasm.expression.expression import *
from miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32 import get_win_str_a
from miasm.core.locationdb import LocationDB
from miasm.analysis.dse import DSEPathConstraint
from miasm.analysis.machine import Machine
def xxx___printf_chk(jitter):
ret_ad, args = jitter.func_args_systemv(["flag", "format", "arg"])
return jitter.func_ret_systemv(ret_ad, 1)
def xxx_fgets(jitter):
global s1
ret_ad, args = jitter.func_args_systemv(["dest", "size", "stream"])
#s = input()
print s
jitter.vm.set_mem(args.dest, s.encode())
return jitter.func_ret_systemv(ret_ad, len(s))
def xxx_strcspn(jitter):
ret_ad, args = jitter.func_args_systemv(["s", "rejected"])
s = jitter.get_c_str(args.s)
jitter.vm.set_mem(args.s, s.strip().encode())
return jitter.func_ret_systemv(ret_ad, len(s))
def xxx___memcpy_chk(jitter):
ret_ad, args = jitter.func_args_systemv(["dest", "src", "len", "destlen"])
src = jitter.vm.get_mem(args.src, args.len)
jitter.vm.set_mem(args.dest, src)
global dse
return jitter.func_ret_systemv(ret_ad, args.dest)
def xxx_puts_symb(dse):
raise RuntimeError("Exit")
def symbolize_vm(dse):
global vm_registers_symb, already_disass
# update the DSE state (including the memory) from the concrete state
# symbolize the memory corresponding to the VM registers (16 registers of 32 bits at 0x203040)
for i in range(16):
vm_registers_symb[ExprMem(ExprInt(0x203040 + i*4, 64), 32)] = ExprId("VM_R{}".format(i), 32)
# symbolize the VM registers that correpond to real registers
vm_registers_symb[dse.ir_arch.arch.regs.R9] = ExprId("VM_FLAGS", 64)
vm_registers_symb[dse.ir_arch.arch.regs.RSI] = ExprId("VM_PC", 64)
# update the DSE state with the VM registers symbols
# get the VM state (PC, instruction bytes and opcode)
vm_pc = int(dse.jitter.cpu.RSI)
vm_instr = int(dse.jitter.cpu.RCX)
vm_opcode = int(dse.jitter.cpu.RAX)
# if the VM instruction was not already disassembled, we print the state and add a breakpoint at NEXT_ADDR
if not vm_pc in already_disass or (vm_pc in already_disass and vm_instr != already_disass[vm_pc]):
#print("\n{:x}:".format(vm_pc), end=" ")
print("\nsymbolize_vm: 0x%x, end=" % vm_pc)
already_disass[vm_pc] = vm_instr
# VM opcode 0xFF exits the VM
if vm_opcode == 0xFF:
# VM opcode 30 executes aesenc instruction but this instruction is not implemented in miasm
if vm_opcode == 30:
arg0 = vm_registers_symb[ExprMem(ExprInt(0x203040+(((vm_instr >> 16) & 0xF)*4), 64), 32)]
arg1 = vm_registers_symb[ExprMem(ExprInt(0x203040+(((vm_instr >> 12) & 0xF)*4), 64), 32)]
dest = vm_registers_symb[ExprMem(ExprInt(0x203040+(((vm_instr >> 20) & 0xF)*4), 64), 32)]
print("@128[{} + 0x203080] = AESENC(@128[{} + 0x203080], @128[{} + 0x203080])".format(dest, arg0, arg1))
dse.add_instrumentation(NEXT_ADDR, disass_vm_instruction)
# as we do not want miasm to raise an exception when aesenc is jitted, we jump after the instruction and update the DSE state accordingly
if vm_instr >> 24 == 30:
dse.jitter.pc = 0x232d
dse.jitter.cpu.RIP = 0x232d
dse.ir_arch.arch.regs.RIP: ExprInt(0x232d, 64),
dse.ir_arch.arch.regs.RAX: ExprInt(vm_pc+4, 64) # update pc
return True
def disass_vm_instruction(dse):
global vm_registers_symb
vm_instr = ""
# get memory modifications
for dst, src in dse.symb.modified(ids=False):
# do not print vm registers unchanged
if dst in vm_registers_symb and src == vm_registers_symb[dst]:
vm_instr += "{} = {}\n".format(dst.replace_expr(vm_registers_symb), dse.eval_expr(src))
# get register modifications
for dst, src in dse.symb.modified(mems=False):
# dst = ExprMem(VM_REG)
if src in vm_registers_symb:
vm_instr += "{} = {}\n".format(dst, dse.eval_expr(src))
elif dst in vm_registers_symb and src != vm_registers_symb[dst] and vm_registers_symb[dst] != ExprId("VM_PC", 64):
vm_instr += "{} = {}\n".format(vm_registers_symb[dst], dse.eval_expr(src))
# if no modifications then print ZF and VM_PC changes
if not vm_instr:
for dst, src in dse.symb.modified(mems=False):
if dst == dse.ir_arch.arch.regs.zf:
vm_instr += "ZF = {}\n".format(dse.eval_expr(src))
elif dst in vm_registers_symb and vm_registers_symb[dst] == ExprId("VM_PC", 64):
vm_instr += "VM_PC = {}\n".format(dse.eval_expr(src))
# remove callback
del dse.instrumentation[NEXT_ADDR]
return True
import pdb
hooks={4223168L: 'sub_4070C0', 4221632L: 'strlen', 4214472L: 'time', 4213740L: '_exit', 4203744L: 'sub_4024E0', 4223600L: 'socket', 4223240L: 'connect', 4213784L: 'close', 4223484L: 'send'}
def hook(dse):
global hooks
# ['RDI', 'RSI', 'RDX', 'RCX', 'R8', 'R9']
# main, argc, argv, ...
print("pc: 0x%x"%pc)
regs = dse.ir_arch.arch.regs
top_stack = dse.eval_expr(regs.RSP)
'''main_addr = dse.eval_expr(regs.RDI)
argc = dse.eval_expr(regs.RSI)
argv = dse.eval_expr(regs.RDX)
# skip current instruction
#ret_addr = ExprInt(pc+5, regs.RIP.size)
ret_addr = ExprInt(dse.jitter.get_stack_arg(0), regs.RIP.size)
print ret_addr
print regs.RIP
ret_val= ExprId("SF_%x_%s" % (pc, hooks[pc]), regs.RAX.size)
regs.RSP: dse.symb.eval_expr(regs.RSP + ExprInt(8, regs.RSP.size)),
dse.ir_arch.IRDst: ret_addr,
regs.RIP: ret_addr,
regs.RAX: ret_val
parser = Sandbox_Linux_x86_64.parser("Solver for vbot attack function")
parser.add_argument("filename", help="Challenge filename")
options = parser.parse_args()
from miasm.core.locationdb import LocationDB
from miasm.jitter.csts import PAGE_READ, PAGE_WRITE
machine = Machine("x86_64")
loc_db = LocationDB()
sb = Sandbox_Linux_x86_64(loc_db, options.filename, options, globals())
# Init segment
sb.jitter.ir_arch.do_stk_segm = True
sb.jitter.ir_arch.do_ds_segm = True
sb.jitter.ir_arch.do_str_segm = True
sb.jitter.ir_arch.do_all_segm = True
FS_0_ADDR = 0x7ff70000
sb.jitter.cpu.FS = 0x4
sb.jitter.cpu.set_segm_base(sb.jitter.cpu.FS, FS_0_ADDR)
FS_0_ADDR + 0x28,
"Stack canary FS[0x28]"
# Prepare the execution
strategy = DSEPathConstraint.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_CODE_COV
# Other possibilities:
# strategy = DSEPathConstraint.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_BRANCH_COV,
# strategy = DSEPathConstraint.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_PATH_COV
dse = DSEPathConstraint(sb.machine, loc_db, produce_solution=strategy)
dse.add_lib_handler(sb.libs, globals())
FN= 0x40216F
for ea in hooks:
dse.add_instrumentation(ea, hook)
I want to use miasm to symboliclly execute a single function in ELF, with the sub functions called inside skipped but with args logged. I modied code from in the release code, with detailed steps as follow:
1, add a general hook function, with the to be hooked functions globally hardcoded in a dictionary named hooks. This hook function does nothing but restore the stack, update regs.RIP, and symblize the return value of regs.RAX.
hooks={4223168L: 'sub_4070C0', 4221632L: 'strlen', 4214472L: 'time', 4213740L: '_exit', 4203744L: 'sub_4024E0', 4223600L: 'socket', 4223240L: 'connect', 4213784L: 'close', 4223484L: 'send'} def hook(dse): global hooks
2, hook the functions in the global of hooks with dse API of dse.add_instrumentation():
for ea in hooks: dse.add_instrumentation(ea, hook)
3, run it directly from the function start of 0x402150. entry_p=0x402150
The function partially looks like: .text:0000000000402150 sub_402150 proc near ; CODE XREF: ProcessCmd+561↑p .text:0000000000402150 .text:0000000000402150 var_121 = byte ptr -121h .text:0000000000402150 var_50 = qword ptr -50h .text:0000000000402150 var_48 = qword ptr -48h .text:0000000000402150 var_40 = word ptr -40h .text:0000000000402150 var_3E = word ptr -3Eh .text:0000000000402150 var_3C = dword ptr -3Ch .text:0000000000402150 .text:0000000000402150 push rbp .text:0000000000402151 mov rbp, rsp .text:0000000000402154 push r15 .text:0000000000402156 mov r15d, edx .text:0000000000402159 push r14 .text:000000000040215B mov r14d, ecx .text:000000000040215E push r13 .text:0000000000402160 mov r13d, esi .text:0000000000402163 push r12 .text:0000000000402165 push rbx .text:0000000000402166 mov rbx, rdi .text:0000000000402169 xor edi, edi .text:000000000040216B sub rsp, 28h .text:000000000040216F call time .text:0000000000402174 sub rsp, 0E0h .text:000000000040217B mov r12, rax .text:000000000040217E mov rdi, rbx .text:0000000000402181 lea rax, [rsp+130h+var_121] .text:0000000000402186 mov [rbp+var_40], 2 .text:000000000040218C and rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0h .text:0000000000402190 mov [rbp+var_50], rax .text:0000000000402194 mov eax, r13d .text:0000000000402197 ror ax, 8 .text:000000000040219B mov [rbp+var_3E], ax .text:000000000040219F call sub_4070C0
When fun it, the first call to time() could be hookded successfully but with the following AssertError: -> pc=dse.jitter.cpu.EIP (Pdb) c pc: 0x404ec8 0x402174 RIP Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 216, in
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/miasm/analysis/", line 684, in run
super(Sandbox_Linux_x86_64, self).run(addr)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/miasm/analysis/", line 136, in run
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/miasm/jitter/", line 412, in continue_run
return next(self.run_iterator)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/miasm/jitter/", line 347, in runiter_once
res = self.exec_cb(self)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/miasm/analysis/", line 338, in callback
self.handle(ExprInt(cur_addr, self.ir_arch.IRDst.size))
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/miasm/analysis/", line 648, in handle
assert dst == cur_addr
Does anyone know what's wrong in my code? Thanks in advance.