ceabiodb / biodb

An R package framework for accessing biological and chemical databases and developing or extending new connectors.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Error when migrating cache folder #479

Closed pkrog closed 3 years ago

pkrog commented 3 years ago


pkrog commented 3 years ago

The error can be reproduced like this:

Info message: Loading definitions from package biodbHmdb, version 0.99.0.
Warning message:
In Sys.setlocale(locale = "en_US.UTF-8") :
  la requête OS pour spécifier la localisation à "en_US.UTF-8" n'a pas pu être honorée
> cch<-mybiodb$getPersistentCache()
> cch$getDir()
Info message: Cache folder location has been moved from "C:\Users\pierrick\Documents/.biodb.cache" to "C:\Users\pierrick\AppData\Local\biodb\biodb\Cache".
[1] "C:\\Users\\pierrick\\AppData\\Local\\biodb\\biodb\\Cache"
Warning messages:
1: In file.rename(old_cachedir, cachedir) :
  cannot rename file 'C:\Users\pierrick\Documents/.biodb.cache' to 'C:\Users\pierrick\AppData\Local\biodb\biodb\Cache', reason 'Le chemin d’accès spécifié est introuvable'
2: In dir.create(cachedir) :
  impossible de créer le répertoire 'C:\Users\pierrick\AppData\Local\biodb\biodb\Cache', à cause de 'No such file or directory'