ceaseless-prayer / CeaselessIOS

This is the iOS application code for Ceaseless.
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Clearer onboarding experience #154

Open chrislim opened 9 years ago

chrislim commented 9 years ago

Some feedback from a user: There appears to be a disconnect between the home screen (verse) and your core goal (everybody being prayed for). Spend a good clip of time with the on boarding process, and design for that "magic moment”. http://www.aginnt.com/post/37636482299/grow-like-facebook-onboarding-and-activation#.VVDWMdNViko

chrislim commented 9 years ago

We examined some apps that had a training onboarding experience and related to this is the question of user permissions, which comes up in this article: http://techcrunch.com/2014/04/04/the-right-way-to-ask-users-for-ios-permissions/

Instead of following the article's approach, we may be able to incorporate the insights and in the onboarding. Show the user a page explaining why contacts permissions is needed and ask them to tap the button to give the app access to their contacts. This button brings up the dialog. If they do not do this, they cannot enter the app.