ceaseless-prayer / CeaselessIOS

This is the iOS application code for Ceaseless.
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Load googleAnalytics through cocoapods #212

Open esuparno opened 6 years ago

esuparno commented 6 years ago

This is what I did:

cd CeaselessIOS-master

pod init

Add pod package under: # Pods for Ceaseless

vim Podfile

pod 'GoogleAnalytics' pod 'GoogleToolboxForMac'

save and install

pod install

delete "GA Headers" folders

go to Ceaseless Target: under build settings, search for other linker flags: remove "-ObjC" from Other Linker Flags

Under build phases: Link Binary with Libraries, remove: *.dylib

in AppDelegate.m, in didFinishLaunching: GAI *gai = [GAI sharedInstance];

//[GAI sharedInstance].trackUncaughtExceptions = YES;
gai.trackUncaughtExceptions = YES;

// Optional: set Google Analytics dispatch interval to e.g. 20 seconds.
//[GAI sharedInstance].dispatchInterval = 20;
gai.dispatchInterval = 20;

// Optional: set Logger to VERBOSE for debug information.
//[[[GAI sharedInstance] logger] setLogLevel:kGAILogLevelInfo];
gai.logger.logLevel = kGAILogLevelVerbose;

// Initialize tracker. Replace with your tracking ID.
//[[GAI sharedInstance] trackerWithTrackingId:kTrackingId];
[gai trackerWithTrackingId:kTrackingId];