cebtenzzre / tumblr-utils

A fork of tumblr-utils with Python 3 support, bug fixes, and lots of features I found useful.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Windows: Python was not found #11

Open flowingblaze opened 1 year ago

flowingblaze commented 1 year ago

Hello. I am folowing the guide you made ( to do my tumblr backup. I am getting the error "Python was not found; run without arguments to install from the Microsoft Store, or disable this shortcut from Settings > Manage App Execution Aliases." despite having python installed. I copied the Python 3 and Python 2 folders from my C:/ Drive to the external drive where I am saving the backup and it is still having said issue. The [redacted] part of the commands I ran is my tumblr name which I would like to keep private.

The exact commands I ran: cd /d E:\tumblr-utils-3582d8d30a28ead581af8a23aa69962f13fd706a\tumblr-utils-3582d8d30a28ead581af8a23aa69962f13fd706a

py -i --save-video [redacted]

magzanilla commented 1 year ago

Hello. I am folowing the guide you made ( to do my tumblr backup. I am getting the error "Python was not found; run without arguments to install from the Microsoft Store, or disable this shortcut from Settings > Manage App Execution Aliases." despite having python installed. I copied the Python 3 and Python 2 folders from my C:/ Drive to the external drive where I am saving the backup and it is still having said issue. The [redacted] part of the commands I ran is my tumblr name which I would like to keep private.

The exact commands I ran: cd /d E:\tumblr-utils-3582d8d30a28ead581af8a23aa69962f13fd706a\tumblr-utils-3582d8d30a28ead581af8a23aa69962f13fd706a

py -i --save-video [redacted]

Note: The developer of Tumblr-utils wasn't the one that made that guide for general Tumblr backup options available. That's our guide (Magz's). In the guide, it even says we aren't the developer of any of the tools or methods mentioned

Luckily, came across this issue report by chance.

The reason what you did didn't fix the problem is because you aren't supposed to copy Python to the external drive to be able to run python, since any system that acknowledges it has Python should work even with external drives.

The error message can happen when there's either:

  1. Python not added to system's Environment Variables, on "PATH". -- Which would need to check if python path is there like in the guide.




  1. More likely, are using the wrong Python command for your system. In some Windows computers, the way to run python could be "py" or "python". Sometimes it won't work with both. -- Which means just need to use "python" instead of "py".

Example. In a similar setup: "py" doesn't work image

but "python" does work, instead image


cebtenzzre commented 1 year ago

@cristaldotgema Cool guide! By the way, since ddf32ce28d5deda825fed9240f36bd51dba48404 this fork no longer supports Python 2 - it became too much effort to maintain after mypy dropped support for it. So users should not install Python 2 if they just want to back up a tumblr blog using this fork.

flowingblaze commented 1 year ago

I tried to do "python -i --save-video [redacted]" and it didn't do anything. I also tried to do "python --help" to see if that would do anything and it didn't do anything?

cebtenzzre commented 1 year ago

it didn't do anything?

You'll have to be more specific than "didn't do anything", but if python 3 is not on your PATH then it won't work. Try python --version and post the output here. Did you install Python "just for me" or for "all users"?

magzanilla commented 1 year ago

@cristaldotgema Cool guide! By the way, since ddf32ce this fork no longer supports Python 2 - it became too much effort to maintain after mypy dropped support for it. So users should not install Python 2 if they just want to back up a tumblr blog using this fork.

Thank you for notifying about this change, will update this info as soon as possible !

From previous versions requiring Python 2 and it being noted that the utilities still used Python 2, it was hard to tell it was no longer necessary, admittedly. Taking it off the guide should make things easier, since default python can be an issue for some.

In this case, for example: If the issue turns out to be that the default Python version assigned is Python 2 for both "py" and "python", when checking --version

on Windows - checking Environment Variables would be just as useful to know which Python 3 version is installed in Path ... or if it wasn't added. (There was an experience before when both py and python were python 2.7, despite having python 3 in path)

if Python 3 isn't in there, will have to re-install python 3 with "add to path" / "add to environment variables" selected as well.

if Python 3 is in there, then whichever version was installed can just be added to the command for a fast solution. if have python version 3.11, would be like

"py -3.11" and then the rest of the command.

That is... if the suggested issue is the problem.

Good luck.

flowingblaze commented 11 months ago

it didn't do anything?

You'll have to be more specific than "didn't do anything", but if python 3 is not on your PATH then it won't work. Try python --version and post the output here. Did you install Python "just for me" or for "all users"?

Version is Python 3.11.5. There was no sort of output and I couldn't find a download of my blog anywhere on my computer, I tried running the command and still, nothing.

cebtenzzre commented 11 months ago

Version is Python 3.11.5. There was no sort of output and I couldn't find a download of my blog anywhere on my computer, I tried running the command and still, nothing.

It's not so easy to provide technical support via GitHub, but if you'd like to chat on Discord my username is "cebtenzzre".