ceccopierangiolieugenio / ttkode

Terminal ToolKit Studio Code editor
MIT License
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This is amazing!!! #1

Open RyannDaGreat opened 1 year ago

RyannDaGreat commented 1 year ago

I was working on a similar thing in prompt_toolkit (with draggable panes and windows etc), but I think I'm gonna stop - we're here! But...


why can't I navigate files with arrow keys lol...do I HAVE to use the mouse? (that was my first impression after 10 seconds of using it)

ceccopierangiolieugenio commented 1 year ago

This project is still in an super early stage, you cannot save yet for example (I have not enable it yet because I didn't want to corrupt my files by mistake if something went wrong during the development). I got stuck trying to implement this save feature because I wanted to monitor the undo/redo snapshot in order to give some indication if the file has been modified or you are in the same position of the saved file (after undo/redo for example) At this time during this implementation I had few bugfix to deliver and I thought it was more important to provide a designer tool for the pyTermTk so I am working on it at the moment and I kept ttkode on hold for the time being.

But I can quickly implement a raw save feature if you want to try it.

The keyboard binding in the file/tree widget is also something In my todo-list and I can easily add it in the next release.

RyannDaGreat commented 1 year ago

I would absolutely LOVE to see it in working condition! I find this TUI library very exciting and I want to see it in it's full potential. You've put so much work into it; I want to use it lol.

A little of my background; I added most of the mouse-to-terminal functionality for prompt toolkit...specifically the click/drag stuff etc (before that it was left mouse click only; there was no right click, middle click, hovering, drags, etc) https://asciinema.org/a/6gswv4dFnuA239qawxXaim3pY

I would love to see a vim-shortcutted hybrid with this (like bpytop, where hjkl can navigate like arrow keys). Or better yet, customizable shortcuts from a config file (that could even be edited in this tui down the road!)

ceccopierangiolieugenio commented 1 year ago

quite impressive your project as well, I started developing my library because I needed something with a splitter widget that you can drag and resize exactly as in your tool. about a vim-hybrid is something I'd like to add to my editor, I am not an expert vim user so I don't know which are the most common shortcut that I need to implement (except "hjkl"), i.e. which keys should be used to to resize or move in between windows (CTRL-W ?)