[x] Write more unit tests. Everyone is responsible for writing tests for their own code. Cecilia will help and monitor this.
[x] Automate unit tests:
[x] Learning how to set up GitHub Actions.
[x] Compile for Linux, set up the VM, have the VM run the Cmake script, build the project, and then run the Ctest command.
[x] Finishing the MVP:
[x] Add build instructions to readme. Including how to run tests.
[x] Text placement and size. This time, it means to display names of places, not road names, these need to be rotated. Rotation is saved for a future sprint. Correct text style (boundary, font etc.) is NOT required either.
[ ] Finish up the prototype UI.
[ ] Perform a whitebox acceptance test with Karolina.
[x] Add the button to reload tiles.
[x] Add buttons to quickly navigate to Nydalen and Gjøvik
[x] Add toggle switch for debug lines
[x] Optional: Update the longitude and latitude when panning.
[x] Finish up expression parsing in styling. This should solve Antarctica being green, maybe also line width problems.
[x] Bugfixes:
[x] Calculate visible tiles. It’s missing some columns at certain zoom levels + aspect ratio.
[x] Crash when rendering at zoom level >8. (For some reason it works with debugger attached).
[x] Sometimes the pen width is set to a value in the illegal range. Put a lineWidth check to ensure that width is never less than one. Write this as a warning/error to the debugger.
[x] Black line at the equator at some zoon distances. Possible causes for the bug:
pen width
rounding error when placing tiles on the screen (about 1 px) at certain zoom levels.
[x] Fix long/lat sign error. The y direction was negative when it should have been positive. This error is caused by the Qt Widget y axis being positive when going down instead of up.
One task is missing here: Performing a whitebox test with Karolina. I'm closing the issue now, and we sort out acceptance tests with Qt after we all return after Easter.