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3D Printable enclosure for 128x64 screen version #36

Open rtmq0227 opened 2 months ago

rtmq0227 commented 2 months ago

Since the only enclosure in the repository is for the smaller, x32px screen, I put together an option for the larger x64px screen (stl files linked via dropbox). It's configured to allow for the USB A Female port option, and has an access port for the three debug pins in the backplate. It assembles with six M2x18 screws with room for locking nuts (links below), and some rubber padding to seat tightly without rattle. It's designed for Resin printers, so you may need to file down and drill out the interior openings if you have a pronounced foot on the print. I also recommend not soldering the screen to the PCB until you have it in the enclosure for the fit to be right.

STL Files: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/kd9u046t1vtf3h2jkpmb5/ACpoGzTPq_6m6kwyjEtopGc?rlkey=sx72hl63xx694xxybgx68dki6&dl=0 Simple STL Files: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/6smj7gpmz6kdv2wxk2p48/AGRNeEw-AhFlpDAR8BErv5c?rlkey=ntm5leaagrq856i6la884js8i&dl=0 Screws: https://tinyurl.com/mry88wyv Nuts: https://tinyurl.com/yhzkmhmj 1mm Rubber Sheeting: https://tinyurl.com/4775dfs5

2024-04-16_22 31 41

2024-04-17 21 09 10



cecio commented 2 months ago

oooh wow!! It looks awesome, thanks!! I'll try to print it, even if I don't have a resin printer, let's see how it works.

rtmq0227 commented 2 months ago

I found the most success avoiding the elephant's foot issue ruining the face of it by orienting the main stl as shown (text facing up) but it does require supports on the underside in that case. I originally designed it to print the opposite way but couldn't reign in the foot on my printer

rtmq0227 commented 2 months ago

I added a "simple" STL package for if the fiddly bits are too much for a filament printer. I also added some better pics to showcase the final build better

Manofhunt commented 2 months ago

I printed the original case on my FDM printer and the only issue I ran into is the holes for the nuts were a little tight. I was able to chamfer the holes with a razor blade and that solved the issue. Thank you for providing these! 20240418_082236 20240418_083124

rtmq0227 commented 2 months ago

I'll admit I ran my tolerances a bit tight, I'm printing on a Photon Mono X. I can adjust the "simple" version to add a little more room for the nuts, how much extra clearance did you need to add?

Manofhunt commented 2 months ago

Difficult to say since I did it by hand, but probably about 0.5mm cumulative between the different sides I shaved on each nut location.

cecio commented 2 months ago

@rtmq0227 thanks for your work on this. If it's ok for you, I'd add the files to the repo. Thanks!

rtmq0227 commented 2 months ago


I'll update the simple files with the expanded nut holes tonight

rtmq0227 commented 2 months ago

Okay, I've added a v1.1 for the simple backplate with larger holes for the nuts, and here's an orientation guide (since Fusion always seems to export in the wrong orientation -__-)

Simple Enclosure print orientation Enclosure print orientation

cecio commented 2 months ago

thanks @rtmq0227 One question: am I wrong or in the new folder I see two version of the backplate but no spacer?

rtmq0227 commented 2 months ago

no, there should be all three. I removed the old version so now there's only three STL files in each version's folder

cecio commented 2 months ago

ops, sorry. Thanks, I included your STLs in the STL folder and credited in the README. Thanks again for your contribution.

pettard commented 2 months ago

Really nice looking case! would it be an idea to also make a top plate for the 128x32 screen? @rtmq0227

rtmq0227 commented 2 months ago

Really nice looking case! would it be an idea to also make a top plate for the 128x32 screen? @rtmq0227

I wasn't going to, as there's already an enclosure STL for the 128x32, but a coworker was having trouble with that one so I may as well (better to have more options than fewer, right?).

It'll take time as I'll have to put together one with the smaller screen for reference purposes.

Tz1rf commented 1 month ago


Where did you make use of the rubber sheeting on the enclosure? Does it go between a layer?

rtmq0227 commented 1 week ago

@Tz1rf sorry for the delay in responding! I use it between the middle layer and the PCB to take up the gap/tolerance and keep it from rattling around. A small strip along each of the longer sides of the PCB do enough without messing with the ventilation. I'll be doing an assembly video in the near future, but I'll try to get some pics for this thread in the meantime.