cedadev / c3s_434_ecde_page_text

To manage page text for the European Climate Data Explorer being developed by the C3S 434 project.
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Add High Fire Danger to the Tourism sector #58

Closed charliepascoe closed 3 years ago

charliepascoe commented 3 years ago

@sharppaul High Fire Danger is also a tourism index so we should add this index to the tourism sector: https://ccadapt-demo.eea.europa.eu/knowledge/european-climate-data-explorer/tourism and update the tourism description. I suggest we use the following text: Europe is the world's number one tourist destination and the warming climate has the potential to significantly affect the appeal of tourist destinations. Winter tourism faces increasing losses due to reduced snow cover and summer tourism faces increasing risks due to wildfire. The European Climate Data Explorer presents climate impact indices related to snow depth and fire danger.

charliepascoe commented 3 years ago

Add fire weather index to both the Tourism and Health sectors.