cedadev / c3s_434_ecde_page_text

To manage page text for the European Climate Data Explorer being developed by the C3S 434 project.
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Update text and documentation to reflect change in the calculation of minimum/maximum Tmin and Tmax over longer periods #77

Open RutgerDankers opened 2 years ago

RutgerDankers commented 2 years ago

Hi Charlotte

Issue HM6 Daily Maximum Temperature - Monthly Mean and Daily Minimum Temperature - Monthly Mean:

The seasonal and annual aggregation should be based on daily rather than monthly temperature statistics. For example, the selection in the screenshot below would provide the change in the “annual maximum of daily minimum temperature” (i.e. the warmest night of the year) rather than the “annual mean of the monthly maximum of daily minimum temperature” (which is difficult to understand for most users).

Changes have been made in the workflows for Tmax and Tmin (so far only the detailed view app) to address this issue. These changes have not been published yet.

The order of the calculation has been changed, for example in case of the statistic 'maximum of daily maximum temperature', this is what is now being calculated:


So if the selected statistic is 'maximum', the data plotted will the be maximum Tmax (or Tmin) over the aggregation period selected, i.e. a month, a season, or the entire year, which I think addresses HM's issue.

The dynamically generated titles of the timeseries plots have been changed to reflect the new statistic, e.g.


I still need to check whether this change also needs to be pulled through to the overview apps.

charliepascoe commented 2 years ago

Fixed with this update to the json file https://github.com/cedadev/c3s_434_ecde_page_text/commit/33302836521e32db3cae6d8a0cd5e7003b75b5ae

charliepascoe commented 2 years ago

@RutgerDankers I suggest we close this issue when the update is implemented on the ECDE site