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SNAP Coordinated Stratospheric Nudging Experiments
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isimpson002 ceda-cc report for CESM2-CAM6 v20230225 #34

Open mollymacrae opened 1 year ago

mollymacrae commented 1 year ago

The following errors were picked up by the ceda-cc checks for the control s20180125 experiment v20230225 data:

mollymacrae commented 1 year ago

Incorrect 'cell_methods' attribute cell_methods attribute need to be changed for mrso, siconca, epfy, epfz, wtem, vtem from the current values to:

mrso: cell_methods="area: mean where land time: point" siconca: cell_methods="area: time: point" epfy, epfz, wtem, vtem="longitude: mean time: point"

Example error for mrso: C4.002.005: [variable_ncattribute_mipvalues]: FAILED:: Variable [mrso] has incorrect attributes: cell_methods="area: mean where land time: mean" [correct: "area: mean where land time: point"]

mollymacrae commented 1 year ago

Incorrect 'long_name' attribute siconca long_name attribute need to be changed for siconca from the current value to:

siconca: long_name="Sea-Ice Area Percentage"

mollymacrae commented 1 year ago

Global attribute 'realization_index' the global attribute 'realization_index' needs to be changed from string class to tuple for variables: tntmp, tntrs, utendepfd, utendmp, utendogw, utendvtem, utendwtem, vtendogw Example error: C4.002.006: [global_ncattribute_cv]: FAILED:: Global attributes do not match constraints: [('realization_index', '27', "Value is not instance of required class (<class 'tuple'>): 27 -- <class 'str'>")]

mollymacrae commented 1 year ago

Missing height coordinate The height coordinate is missing for variables tas, tasmax and tasmin and checks were aborted. tas: C4.003.003: [height_levels]: FAILED:: height coordinate not found ['tas'] tasmax, tasmin: C4.003.003: [height_levels]: FAILED:: height coordinate not found ['tasmax', 'time_bnds']

I can see the variable height has been added but I think it needs to be of the type 'double' rather than 'int64' and specified as the 'coordinates' attribute for variable tas/tasmax/tasmin, possibly this is why it is not being recognised.

Using ncdump to view an example tasmax file from elsewhere, it has a double variable called height that looks like:

double height ; height:units = "m" ; height:axis = "Z" ; height:positive = "up" ; height:long_name = "height" ; height:standard_name = "height" ; height:value = "2." ;

then the tasmax variable has 'coordinates' set to 'height' as: float tasmax(time, lat, lon) ; tasmax:coordinates = "height" ;

mollymacrae commented 1 year ago

Errors for variables epfz, epfy, vtem and wtem:

cell_methods attribute (already listed above) need to be changed to cell_methods="longitude: mean time: point"

frequency inconsistency filename and frequency are '6hrZ' whereas table_id global attribute is '6hrPt' - This error is due to the actual frequency of the data being more accurately described by '6hrZ' but the variable usually belongs in the '6hrPt' table. We will keep the '6hrZ' label and neglect error as this more accurately describes the data but archived in '6hrPt/' directory