cedar2025 / Xboard

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[BUG] 按照docker-compose安装指南部署之后,docker运行正常,但无法通过url访问 #132

Open AldrinL opened 1 month ago

AldrinL commented 1 month ago

🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️注意:XrayR等非XBoard问题请前往项目方提问 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️Note: XrayR and other non-XBoard issues please go to the project side to ask questions

The XBoard version number you are using 当前使用的XBoard版本号


Briefly describe the problem you are experiencing 简单描述你遇到的问题

按照这个指南部署之后,docker运行正常,但无法通过url访问 端口应该是7001还是7010? https://github.com/cedar2025/Xboard/blob/dev/docs/docker-compose%E5%AE%89%E8%A3%85%E6%8C%87%E5%8D%97.md image

Screenshot of the reported error(Please do desensitization) 报告错误的截图(请做脱敏处理)

Screenshot of the reported error(Please do desensitization) 报告错误的截图(请做脱敏处理)

The latest log files in the storage/logs directory report from #1 (Please do desensitization) storage/logs 目录下最新的日志文件从 #1 开始报告(请做脱敏处理)

找不到storage文件夹 , 只有docker日志 image

cedar2025 commented 1 month ago

你提供的截图当中测试的端口是7100, 访问端口是7001才对 其中7010 是api的端口, 因为站点中包含了静态资源文件,所以使用nginx来反向代理了7010 端口, 访问7001端口即可访问xboard完整的服务