cedar2025 / Xboard

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[BUG]我用的一面具模块订阅节点的时候出现504的错误 #183

Closed wyUshio closed 1 month ago

wyUshio commented 1 month ago

🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️注意:XrayR等非XBoard问题请前往项目方提问 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️Note: XrayR and other non-XBoard issues please go to the project side to ask questions

The XBoard version number you are using 当前使用的XBoard版本号(git commit id)

最新版 Would you like to deploy using Docker? 你的部署方式(是否为Docker)


Please briefly describe the issue you encountered (preferably with reproducible steps). 简单描述你遇到的问题(最好带上复现步骤)

用面具模块订阅节点出现504,路由器能正常请阅,我问模块开发者,告知是否加了奇奇怪怪的验证,问下各位遇到这样的问题要怎么修改配置? 之前用安装aaPanel没这方面的问题.求解决,谢谢 屏幕截图 2024-06-16 081012

Screenshot of the reported error(Please do desensitization) 报告错误的截图(请做脱敏处理)

Screenshot of the reported error(Please do desensitization) 报告错误的截图(请做脱敏处理)

Run the php artisan log:export 7 command to export log files (where 7 represents logs for the last 7 days). 运行php artisan log:export 7 命令导出的日志文件(其中7为最近7天的日志)。

wyUshio commented 1 month ago


cedar2025 commented 1 month ago
