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[BUG] 根据《aapanel安装指南》安装,提示redis连接失败:Connection refused #38

Closed djymike closed 6 months ago

djymike commented 6 months ago

🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️注意:XrayR等非XBoard问题请前往项目方提问 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️Note: XrayR and other non-XBoard issues please go to the project side to ask questions

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Briefly describe the problem you are experiencing 简单描述你遇到的问题

根据《aapanel安装指南》安装,提示需要输入redis配置,我都按照默认配置回车时,提示redis连接失败:Connection refused, 但之前已经在php8.1内安装了插件redis

Screenshot of the reported error(Please do desensitization) 报告错误的截图(请做脱敏处理)


djymike commented 6 months ago


ZHQSM commented 6 months ago

还需要重新单独安装一次redis 数据库

djymike commented 6 months ago

还需要重新单独安装一次redis 数据库 是要在app store中再安装一下吗

djymike commented 6 months ago

已解决,宝塔面板安装的redis在ovh debian11的环境中安装,无法自动启动,需要通过命令行启动