cedar2025 / Xboard

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[Feature request]请教客户端实现hysteria2端口跳跃功能 #88

Closed alexallen1 closed 1 month ago

alexallen1 commented 3 months ago

Please describe in detail the problems or needs you have encountered. 请详细描述你遇到的问题或需求。

请教Hysteria2客户端支持一种特殊的多端口地址格式: example.com:1234,5678,9012 example.com:20000-50000

我看到'狗狗加速'的机场客户端自动Hysteria 20000-40000端口, 请问xboard如何实现~

blackness3 commented 2 months ago


blackness3 commented 2 months ago

目前应该是 在定义范围后,随机下发一个端口

cedar2025 commented 1 month ago

已经添加 https://github.com/cedar2025/Xboard/commit/5a0e59b103657ccd300204046b877f653cd2aa30