OneStop is a data discovery system being built by CIRES researchers on a grant from the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. We welcome contributions from the community!
Eventually create a login-based feature that can be expanded and built from in the future. This feature requires no roles, as anyone with a public login is allowed to use it.
Authentication Mechanism
user api, micronaut, pac4j integration with OpenID client / api
check out this tutorial for some guidance on proper SPA security
Consider storing our own user states in the following ways:
id | createdDate | updatedDate | lastLoginDate |
Research Tasks
[x] micronaught / quarkus research
[x] Spike: ksqlDB
[x] Gateway api
Database Tasks
[x] Persistence - backend store for saved searches, favorites, etc #1148
[x] PostGreSQL ? (see ideas below)
[x] well-defined schema, bootstrap data
[x] table that saves userid, name, url, where name is a user-provided label for the saved search and url contains the context (collection vs granules) and query parameters needed to recreate the search
UI Tasks
[x] UI / wireframes #1185
[ ] UI mockups for user landing page, and separate page/sections for:
saved searches
CAS-features (dashboards)
[ ] make a user /dashboard only allowable to be seen by logged-in users
[ ] add UI components, reducers, and actions associated with saving searches
[ ] a star button or similar at the top of searches to save (prompts to log in? only available if logged in?)
Service Tasks
[x] Add REST endpoint to save searches / remove saved searches (by db id) #1184
[x] user service backend (DB) required
[x] a way to view saved searches (see mockups for user / saved search page ideas, or via hamburger menu?)
[x] a way to delete saved searches
Move this task to security epic -> api gateway pattern
[x] replace spring security with pac4j OBE
Saved Searches
First rough-pass could simply save the url (or the JSON serialized filter state which derives it)
one of these "saved" could be as simple as a row in a PostGreSQL for the login-gov id (not email)
USER.SAVED_SEARCHES (LIMIT per user_id = 100)
id | user_id | name | description? | filter
123 456 "Jurassic Park" "OneStop Search for Michael-Crichton-related data" | { JSON }
Eventually create a login-based feature that can be expanded and built from in the future. This feature requires no roles, as anyone with a public login is allowed to use it.
Authentication Mechanism
Consider storing our own user states in the following ways:
Research Tasks
Database Tasks
, where name is a user-provided label for the saved search and url contains the context (collection vs granules) and query parameters needed to recreate the searchUI Tasks
only allowable to be seen by logged-in usersService Tasks
Move this task to security epic -> api gateway pattern
Saved Searches