ceddlyburge / elm-league-tables-from-google-sheets

A website to show league tables and fixtures, from results stored in Google Sheets
MIT License
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Show historical results #49

Open ceddlyburge opened 4 years ago

ceddlyburge commented 4 years ago

At the moment the leagues have a single level of nesting, which is assumed to be the various divisions for a year (division 1, division 2 etc).

A lot of teams will persist between years, so it would be nice to be able to show some historical stats from previous years.

I'm not sure how this would work yet, but I'm not sure putting everything in the same google sheet is a good idea, as it could get unmanageable, and probably a lot of people will end up with permissions and nobody will have overall ownership and things like that. Although maybe it could work.

So maybe some environment variables with google sheet ids for previous years. Or maybe this information goes in the sheet for the current year (which would make copying and pasting from a previous year easy)