cedricp / ddt4all

OBD tool
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ELM 327 Bluetooth DdT4All error #680

Closed org07 closed 2 years ago

org07 commented 2 years ago

Hello everyone, I have a problem, I want support from those who have information. My ELM 327 bluetooth device works with PYREN, but DDT4ALL gives an OBD com error how can I solve this problem?

AndyIreland commented 2 years ago

make sure you choose the correct port, and try reducing the baud rate and try reducing the ms CAN timeout settings

KarelSvo commented 2 years ago

show the error message

org07 commented 2 years ago

It works fine in PyRen, I tried everything in ddt4all, it doesn't work. error message com port not found

AndyIreland commented 2 years ago

It works fine in PyRen, I tried everything in ddt4all, it doesn't work. error message com port not found

do you exit fully out of pyREN before trying to connect with DDT4ALL?

and try this version of DDT4ALL and select 'ALL CARS'


org07 commented 2 years ago

I was already using it all the time, the bluetooth ELM327 I used before is broken, I am having this problem on the device I bought later. The strange thing is that although PyRen and Ddt4all use the same infrastructure, it works in one but not in the other

obd .

org07 commented 2 years ago

Let me point out that I am not a newbie in using it.

KarelSvo commented 2 years ago

WiFi Elm and ddt4all with Python 3 produce a connection error. https://github.com/cedricp/ddt4all/pull/659/files

org07 commented 2 years ago

Python 3 ile WiFi Elm ve ddt4all bir bağlantı sorunu olmuyor. https://github.com/cedricp/ddt4all/pull/659/files

the picture shows wifi but the device i bought has bluetooth

KarelSvo commented 2 years ago


org07 commented 2 years ago


Mr. Karel Svo this is the problem


org07 commented 2 years ago

Does anyone know what the source of this problem is?

org07 commented 2 years ago

It also works with Android ECU Tweaker app. Only PC doesn't work with ddt4all. Isn't there a person to help?

AndyIreland commented 2 years ago

go into add/remove bluetooth device in windows and remove the obd2 adaptor (if it shows up) then go into device manager of windows and delete all ports (if COM ports show up) and remove them , Then go into add remove bluetooth device and re add the bluetooth obdII adaptor and see if that works. If your BT adaptor works on the Android version of DDT4ALL (ECU tweaker) and Pyren I cannot see why it will not work with your windows laptop PC - if it dont then i would say its a problem up the laptop end settings or the laptop's bluetooth adaptor

Furtif commented 2 years ago

Serial bug if com3 err try https://github.com/cedricp/ddt4all/pull/634

org07 commented 2 years ago

Windows'ta bluetooth aygıtı ekle/kaldır'a gidin ve obd2 bağdaştırıcısını kaldırın (görünürse), ardından pencerelerin aygıt yöneticisine gidin ve tüm bağlantı noktalarını silin (COM bağlantı noktaları görünüyorsa) ve bunları kaldırın, Ardından Bluetooth aygıtını ekle'ye gidin ve bluetooth obdII adaptörünü yeniden ekleyin ve işe yarayıp yaramadığına bakın. BT adaptörünüz DDT4ALL (ECU tweaker) ve Pyren'in Android sürümünde çalışıyorsa, Windows dizüstü bilgisayarınızla neden çalışmayacağını göremiyorum - çalışmıyorsa, dizüstü bilgisayar uç ayarlarında veya dizüstü bilgisayarın bluetooth'unda bir sorun olduğunu söyleyebilirim. adaptör

Dear Andy Ireland also sees PyRen on the computer. I did all of what you said, but ddt4all doesn't work with ELM327 bluetootht. I believe 2 people will solve this problem here. 1. Cedric PAILLE 2. shrlnm I trust these two so much

org07 commented 2 years ago

com3 hatası # 634'ü denediğinde seri hata

Dear Furtif, I did not understand anything from this link, but thank you for your interest.

Furtif commented 2 years ago

@org07 this link is an open pull request its quite simple to use just clone the repo, install pyrhon 3.x and run dtt4all.bat ..

Furtif commented 2 years ago

if you prefer you can also create an updated setup with that.. your problem and just use the setup content without being interested in anything else .. in open pull there are new cars according to the latest data bases ..

org07 commented 2 years ago

@org07 this link is an open pull request its quite simple to use just clone the repo, install pyrhon 3.x and run dtt4all.bat ..

I already have Python 3.10.4 installed on my computer.

org07 commented 2 years ago

@org07 this link is an open pull request its quite simple to use just clone the repo, install pyrhon 3.x and run dtt4all.bat ..

I don't know how to do what you said :(

Furtif commented 2 years ago

@org07 it's easy if you have git. installed just open a terminal and run what is in readme otherwise you can download it in zip

Furtif commented 2 years ago

unzip it and put it where you want https://github.com/Furtif/ddt4all/archive/refs/heads/update.zip then unzip the plugins and put it inside the plugins folder https://github.com/Furtif/ddtplugins/archive/refs/heads/fix_according_install.zip

Furtif commented 2 years ago

if all fine ok if not use this zip dtt4all-furtif-branch.zip drop this wherever you want to launch ddt4all double click on dtt4all.bat or dtt4all.sh if using linux or mac os

Furtif commented 2 years ago

if not ok need install venv remove rem of bat file in lines echo install venv etc... or use this DDT4ALL.zip *.bat ok ... i have zipe mine i have already venv installed ...

@echo off
echo Install new venv ...
python -m venv ./venv
echo Activate venv ...
call venv\Scripts\activate.bat
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
echo Install requirements ...
pip install -r requirements.txt
echo Run's app ...
python ddt4all.py
rem echo Deactivate venv ...
rem call venv\Scripts\deactivate.bat


Furtif commented 2 years ago

@org07 don't forget to copy the database inside as @cedricp mentions in readme file

Furtif commented 2 years ago

image fine a loot new cars of recent databases .... have fun!

Furtif commented 2 years ago

python 3.10.4 maybe get some errs this works fine in python 3.8 or 3.9

org07 commented 2 years ago

Dear Furtif, thank you very much, I'll try it tomorrow and let you know

Furtif commented 2 years ago

ok @org07 better installer for not get bugs... uninstall old and install this dtt4all_win_installer_2.0.1

Pull request: https://github.com/cedricp/ddt4all/pull/634

This pull request contains all dependencies updated with the latest versions:

Dependencies :

Cloning Source Code

Next, you need to get the source code. This source code repository uses git submodules. So when you clone the source code, you will need to clone recursively:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/cedricp/ddt4all.git

Or if you already cloned without the recursive option, you can update the submodules by running:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/cedricp/ddt4all.git
cd ddt4all
git submodule update --init --recursive

In cas for clone my branch is:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/Furtif/ddt4all.git


git clone --recursive  https://github.com/Furtif/ddt4all.git
cd ddt4all
git submodule update --init --recursive
org07 commented 2 years ago

tamam@org07hata almamak için daha iyi yükleyici... eskiyi kaldırın ve bunu yükleyin dtt4all_win_installer_2.0.1

This pull request contains all dependencies updated with the latest versions:

Dependencies :

Cloning Source Code

Ardından, kaynak kodunu almanız gerekir. Bu kaynak kod deposu, git alt modüllerini kullanır. Bu nedenle, kaynak kodunu klonladığınızda, yinelemeli olarak klonlamanız gerekecektir:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/cedricp/ddt4all.git

Veya özyinelemeli seçenek olmadan zaten klonladıysanız, aşağıdakileri çalıştırarak alt modülleri güncelleyebilirsiniz:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/cedricp/ddt4all.git
cd ddt4all
git submodule update --init --recursive

Klon için cas'ta şubem:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/Furtif/ddt4all.git


git clone --recursive  https://github.com/Furtif/ddt4all.git
cd ddt4all
git submodule update --init --recursive

you're super it's better like this

Furtif commented 2 years ago

fine .

org07 commented 2 years ago

I installed ddt4all-win-installer_2.0.1, it closes without opening :(

Furtif commented 2 years ago

I installed ddt4all-win-installer_2.0.1, it closes without opening :(

have you istalled a DataBase ??

org07 commented 2 years ago

I don't know how to set up the database

org07 commented 2 years ago

There is TeamViewer if you can help remotely

Furtif commented 2 years ago


Furtif commented 2 years ago

is this you err ?

org07 commented 2 years ago

does not give an error message. shuts down before

Furtif commented 2 years ago
org07 commented 2 years ago
  • c:\programfiles'e gidin (x86\ dtt4all klasörünü yeniden yükleyin
  • veritabanınızı c:\programfiles (x86\dtt4all) klasörüne kopyalayın
  • tüm bunlarla ilgili çelişkileriniz var burada iyi !!!
  • veritabanınız yoksa apk dosyasının ecus.zip dosyasını kullanın, bunu dtt4all klasörüne kopyalayın/yapıştırın.


org07 commented 2 years ago

first I installed the old version, then I did not open it, I downloaded the ddt4all-win-installer_2.0.1 that you sent, I opened it in demo mode, no problem, I will try it on cars tomorrow. Sorry for making you tired, I'll let you know if it works tomorrow

Furtif commented 2 years ago

her şeyi yanlış yaptın .... eski sürümü hiç kurmamalısın... yenisini kullanmak için bunu kaldırmalısın, sadece yeni kurulumla kullanmak için veritabanını yedeklemelisin Tanrı aşkına... her sene değiştirirsen, yine de senin sorunun bizde olacak...

org07 commented 2 years ago

I will remove the old version and install the new one, now

org07 commented 2 years ago

I uninstalled the old version, I installed the new version you gave me, I didn't make any copies, it works in demo mode, if it works in bluetooth, it's ok

Furtif commented 2 years ago

normally it works with everything since I use dependency updates, there will be a problem if you go to the control panel and have a driver that is not ok this will no longer be a dtt4all problem but a windows driver problem if you have a driver with /!\ in the panel control devices see its ID and search in google in general there will be good things... other than that if it works with pyren the driver is ok only you have a mess that even you don't understand.

org07 commented 2 years ago

Another windows 10. I have a computer that I use for 32 bit CAN Clip, I tried it on it, it has the same problem. It works with pyren, but it does not work with ddt4all. Wired works on both my computers, but not on both computers with bluetooth. 32 and 64 bit

Furtif commented 2 years ago

as I said above https://github.com/cedricp/ddt4all/issues/680#issuecomment-1121362648 this has the latest versions of dependencies, test it later if it doesn't work ok we will test some fixes that are in open pull request but you don't know how to do a git --clone or git --pull then I'll have to make your life easier with intallers..

Test before...

Furtif commented 2 years ago

pyserial == manage COM ports ... etc...

org07 commented 2 years ago

Computer Ddt4all does not run this device. This device runs PyReni. It runs both on an android phone. Can someone who knows the solution to this help? this is the link i bought. https://tr.aliexpress.com/item/32572206764.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.0.0.37cf3d12I7QB6o&gatewayAdapt=glo2tu 06fdd497-1674-4eb6-92bd-0b0a0f0b455c 06fdd497-1674-4eb6-92bd-0b0a0f0b455c r

org07 commented 2 years ago

normally it works with everything since I use dependency updates, there will be a problem if you go to the control panel and have a driver that is not ok this will no longer be a dtt4all problem but a windows driver problem if you have a driver with /!\ in the panel control devices see its ID and search in google in general there will be good things... other than that if it works with pyren the driver is ok only you have a mess that even you don't understand.

Thanks for your efforts, it doesn't work, also ddt4all-win-installer_2.0.1 is running very slow.

Even the Renault CAN CLIP is faster.

I don't use the CLIP device as it is too slow, I just use it for Renault (Token) to auto promote the car via France in mandatory times