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Login Functionality #18

Open nkeyes94 opened 4 years ago

nkeyes94 commented 4 years ago

I've been working on the login functionality for our application, and have nearly completed the task.

Thus far I am using a few different technologies to get this functional.

The new packages I've used are as follows: -Bcrypt -JSon Web Token

Description of the new packages: -Bcrypt: This is a package which allows for the encryption of information to be stored on our database. This means we will not have plain text account information on the database, and it will be encrypted. To enhance security, bcrypt offers "Salting" which is the process of adding additional words to the string to be encrypted prior to its encryption. This will make it a lot more secure, and resilient against dictionary attacks.

-JSON Web Tokens: This is a package which can track and authenticate the login of our users. We can set the tokens to expire after a certain amount of time if desired.

nkeyes94 commented 4 years ago

I've got the functionality of BCrypt working with the salting. We now have a means of encrypting our users' data for security.

nkeyes94 commented 4 years ago

Working on finalizing the JWT package.

nkeyes94 commented 4 years ago


nkeyes94 commented 4 years ago

Used both bcrypt and passport for implementation of the login functionality.