Closed gtmsew closed 4 years ago
Hi, I see that HTML5 (websocket + canvas) is OFF (myrtille uses long-polling and divs). Did you disabled it into config.js or just clicked the related button into the toolbar? I recon it could be confusing, these buttons are both toggles and statuses indicators.
I assume you enabled the websocket protocol into IIS? (as explained into the documentation). If you didn't, or if the websocket traffic is filtered/blocked by the network layer between the user and IIS (firewall, proxy, etc.), myrtille falls back to long-polling, but should use canvas if supported by the browser (true for Chrome/iOS).
Regarding the bandwidth detection, it's based on a simple image download through xhr and time calculation; it's possible but surprising that it could fail.
Could you open the Chrome devtools (Ctrl+Shift+I) and see if there are any errors (console, network tabs)?
I did not disable anything and did not disable by the button. This is how it open automatically on this machine. Websockets are ON
I checked the network tab on that machine - no errors there.
So as you can see it works fine on my end.
The gif now shows HTML5 ON (websockets and canvas are enabled) and the available bandwidth.
Is it still a capture from the user chrome/IOS or from your own machine? (I see the connected user, "manadmin" is different).
Edit: sorry, after re-reading your post, the new gif comes from your machine. So the issue is either the user's browser or the network between the user's browser and myrtille. But the latter is unlikely because the stats should at least show canvas enabled.
I think the problem is simply that the user clicked the HTML5 ON -> OFF button; since the version 2.5.x, myrtille use cookies to remember the toolbar state (so the user's choices persist between sessions). If that is, the user just have the re-click HTML5 OFF -> ON.
Looks like this user was messing up with the html5 settings a bit, after full clear of cache, etc it started to working fine again, Thank you!
One of our new users cannot use the Myrtille at all, it is not responsive, very slow, the latency is showing really high (check video).
What I notice is very high RDP latency and that the bandwidth has not been detected. Maybe the bandwidth detection is the issue here?
User has the newest Chrome and MAC OS