BUG: The current daytime/nighttime calculation does not function as expected when there is no sunrise or sunset at the location, which occurs in the far north and far south during the summer and winter solstices. This version now correctly returns daytime/nighttime when there is no sunset and sunrise.
FEATURE: No civil/nautical/astronomical daytime/nighttime calculations
Should probably write tests. This may not be correct, and could use some formatting improvements.
This solves the following issues:
BUG: The current daytime/nighttime calculation does not function as expected when there is no sunrise or sunset at the location, which occurs in the far north and far south during the summer and winter solstices. This version now correctly returns daytime/nighttime when there is no sunset and sunrise.
FEATURE: No civil/nautical/astronomical daytime/nighttime calculations
Should probably write tests. This may not be correct, and could use some formatting improvements.