cefet-rj-dal / harbinger

Framework for integration and analysis of event detection methods - Research Project
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hcp_cf_arima returns an error depending with parameters above value #2

Open RebeccaSalles opened 1 year ago

RebeccaSalles commented 1 year ago

In this example, hcp_cf_arima(sw_size = ma_order) returns an error with parameters above the value 18.

Working example:

## Integration between Nexus + Harbinger + DAL Events
# install.packages("devtools")

# Function to generate simulated time series with different trend functions
trend_sym <- function(n=100,ts.var=0.1,seed=12345,plot=TRUE,
                      trend_function=c("linear","log","sqrt","poly2","poly3","exp","sigmoid")) {

  trend_function <- match.arg(trend_function)

  if (trend_function == "linear") {
    x <- tail(seq(from = 1, to = 2, length.out=n+1),n)
    trend <- x
  } else if (trend_function == "log") {
    x <- tail(seq(from = exp(1), to = exp(2), length.out=n+1),n)
    trend <- log(x)
  } else if (trend_function == "sqrt") {
    x <- tail(seq(from = 1, to = 2^2, length.out=n+1),n)
    trend <- sqrt(x)
  } else if (trend_function == "poly2") {
    x <- tail(seq(from = 1, to = sqrt(2), length.out=n+1),n)
    trend <- (x)^2
  } else if (trend_function == "poly3") {
    x <- tail(seq(from = 1, to = 2^(1/3), length.out=n+1),n)
    trend <- (x)^3
  } else if (trend_function == "exp") {
    x <- tail(seq(from = log(1), to = log(2), length.out=n+1),n)
    trend <- exp(x)
  } else if (trend_function == "sigmoid") {
    x <- 1:n
    sigmoid <- function(x, midpoint, slope) {
      y <- 1 / (1 + exp(-slope * (x - midpoint)))
      y <- pmin(pmax(y, 0), 1)  # Clip values between 0 and 1
    midpoint <- n / 2
    slope <- 0.1*(2*(100/n))
    trend <- sigmoid(x, midpoint, slope)
  } else {
    stop("Invalid trend function specified.")

  # Combine the horizontal line and trend
  if(trend_function == "sigmoid") time_series <- c(rep(0, n), trend)
  else time_series <- c(rep(1, n), trend)

  # Add volatility by introducing random noise
  time_series <- time_series + rnorm(n, sd = ts.var)

  data <- data.frame(serie=time_series,event=FALSE)
  data[n, "event"] <- TRUE

  if(plot) print(ggplot(data, aes(y=serie, x=1:nrow(data))) +
    geom_line()+xlab("Time")+ ylab("")+theme_bw())


# Nexus -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Run Nexus ---------------------------------------------------------------
run_nexus <- function(model, data, warm_size = 30, batch_size = 30, mem_batches = 0, png_folder="dev/plots/") {
  #Create auxiliary batch and slide counters
  bt_num <- 1
  sld_bt <- 1
  ef_start <- FALSE

  event_happened <- FALSE
  bt_event_happened <- 0
  event_idx <- 0

  #Prepare data to experiment
  datasource <- nex_simulated_datasource("data", data$serie)
  online_detector <- nexus(datasource, model, warm_size = warm_size, batch_size = batch_size, mem_batches = mem_batches)
  online_detector <- warmup(online_detector)

  #Sliding batches through series
  while (!is.null(online_detector$datasource)) {
    online_detector <- detect(online_detector)

    #first event happened
    if(any(data$event[online_detector$detection$idx]) & !event_happened){
      event_happened <- TRUE
      event_idx <- which(data$event[online_detector$detection$idx])
      bt_event_happened <- bt_num
      time_event_happened <- Sys.time()

    #Update batch and slide counters
    print(paste("Current position:", sld_bt+warm_size))
    sld_bt <- sld_bt + 1

    if(event_happened &
       any(as.logical(online_detector$detection$event) &
           seq_along(online_detector$detection$event) > event_idx &
           !online_detector$detection$type %in% c("","anomaly") ) ) {

      online_detector$detection_lag <- list()
      online_detector$detection_lag$batch <- bt_num-bt_event_happened
      online_detector$detection_lag$obs <- min(which(as.logical(online_detector$detection$event) &
                                                       seq_along(online_detector$detection$event) > event_idx &
                                                       !online_detector$detection$type %in% c("","anomaly") ))-event_idx
      online_detector$detection_lag$time <- round(as.numeric(difftime(time1 = Sys.time(), time2 = time_event_happened, units = "secs")), 3)
      break #comment this line for full result 

    #Batch number update
    bt_num <- bt_num + 1

    #Print partial results
    print(paste("Batch:", bt_num))



lag_pred <- 27
mdl_train <- 27
online_step <- 1
mem_batches <- mdl_train + lag_pred + 1
warm_size <- mem_batches
batch_size <- online_step

#Parameter definition
ma_order <- 18 #max value with no error <----------

## --------------------------------------------------------
# Run Experiments

# Generate the simulated time series
# Specify the trend function ("linear", "log", "sqrt", "poly2", "poly3", "exp", "sigmoid")
n <- 100
seed <- 123
volatility <- c(low=0.025,medium=0.05,high=0.1) #volatility levels
exp_series <- sapply(c("linear","log","sqrt","poly2","poly3","exp","sigmoid"), function(curve) {
  sapply(names(volatility), function(v)
    trend_sym(n, ts.var=volatility[v], seed=seed, trend_function=curve),simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
},simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE
test_series <- exp_series[1]

exp_res_CF <- list()
exp_res_CF_df <- data.frame()
for(curve in names(exp_series)){
  exp_res_CF[[curve]] <- list()

  for(var in names(exp_series[[curve]])){
    data <- exp_series[[curve]][[var]]
    name_data <- paste0(curve,"_",var)

    # establishing method
    model <- hcp_cf_arima(sw_size = ma_order) #CF using Arima
    result <- run_nexus(model=model, data=data, warm_size=warm_size, batch_size=batch_size, mem_batches=mem_batches, png_folder="dev/plots_baseline/")

    # plotting the results
    grf <- har_plot(result$detector, head(data$serie,nrow(result$detection)), result$detection, head(data$event,nrow(result$detection)))
    exp_res_CF[[curve]][[var]] <- list(res=result, plot=grf)

    res_df <- cbind(curve=curve,var=var,lag=NA,mdl=NA,ic=TRUE,par=ma_order,
    exp_res_CF_df <- rbind(exp_res_CF_df,res_df)

    folder <- paste0(getwd(),"/dev/plots_test/",name_data,"/")
    if (!dir.exists(folder)) dir.create(folder)
eogasawara commented 6 months ago
