cefn / Tacticalendar

Laser-cut calendar design - features driven by customer requests through the github issue tracker.
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Week panels may be seated below exit and entrance holes #43

Closed cefn closed 13 years ago

cefn commented 13 years ago

Currently the 1st and 6th week panels face exit and entrance holes. This means that they are not as well seated as the other panels, and indeed can lever out of the frame altogether.

With a >>3mm lip, they would be seated more comfortably.

Disadvantages: the user would then have to push up the panels >>3mm using the bottom holes in order to slide out a week, and the part of the right wall at the base will be very small and possibly fragile when glued in place.

cefn commented 13 years ago

Have added one paneldepth worth of extra lip for the week panels to drop behind.