cefn / Tacticalendar

Laser-cut calendar design - features driven by customer requests through the github issue tracker.
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Create mount for calendar on desktop #81

Open cefn opened 13 years ago

cefn commented 13 years ago

It should be pretty straightforward to design a clip-together clear acrylic mount for the calendar, using the material currently used for the seventh (spare) acrylic panel.

The design would be roughly - two teardrop shapes with a diagonal slice into the top to accommodate the profile of the calendar at a slight angle, a long extension to the rear to provide a restoring force, and a horizontal bar which holds these teardrop pieces at about 25% and 75% along the face.

Thanks to Jason Morphett for the suggestion - this is how he wants to use his.

cefn commented 13 years ago

We now have a design for this stand sketched out, and just need to incorporate it into the SVG design.