cefriel / survey-ontology

An Ontology to model surveys and collected answers as research objects.
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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standard q quality parameter on the HTTP Accept: header #2

Open vanhumbeecka opened 3 years ago

vanhumbeecka commented 3 years ago


See comments in https://github.com/inrupt/solid-client-js/issues/902#issuecomment-800453446

marioscrock commented 3 years ago

Hi @vanhumbeecka ! Thank you for opening this issue and for the reference, very interesting project! We are really pleased to know that you are using the survey-ontology, let us know if you have any question/issue. If it would help, you can find an example dataset (survey structure and collected answers) modelled using the survey-ontology on Zenodo (link).

Coming to the issue, the survey-ontology is currently served using Github Pages and the Content Negotiation is implemented exploiting the w3id.org redirection service for permanent identifiers. The configuration file is available here but it is currently very plain. I'll investigate if the q parameter can be handled with this mechanism to update the configuration. If you have experience on the topic, any suggestion is more than welcome.