cefsharp / CefSharp

.NET (WPF and Windows Forms) bindings for the Chromium Embedded Framework
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how to make ChromiumWebBrowser have standalone cookies #1836

Closed duoduoxi closed 8 years ago

duoduoxi commented 8 years ago

Hi,all I used same ChromiumWebBrowser in my program, now all ChromiumWebBrowser shared the same cookies, Is there any way to make ChromiumWebBrowser have standalone cookies ?


amaitland commented 8 years ago

So you have a question to ask, where can you look for answers?

Please take the time to read the issue template, if you have a question, ask it on Gitter first. https://github.com/cefsharp/CefSharp/blob/master/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md

amaitland commented 8 years ago

@duoduoxi Please read the issue template next time.

Isolation is achieved using a RequestContext. If you specify a unique cache for each unique RequestContext you should have cookie isolation. You can share a RequestContext between multiple instances.

browser.RequestContext = new RequestContext(new RequestContextSettings { CachePath = "cache1" });


duoduoxi commented 8 years ago

@amaitland Sorry , I am not familiar with github. I will ask question on gitter next time. Thank you very much.