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Create a wiki page to teach how to made Wildfly as Unix System Service #141

Closed paulojribp closed 10 years ago

paulojribp commented 10 years ago

How the issue #104 says, the script will be so useful to made something like: service wildfly start or service wildfly stop and made the WildFly starts with the operational system.

The wiki page's will help Hurraa users to use the script that comes with WildFly cited by @eprogramming on issue #104.

helio-frota commented 10 years ago

Hi @paulojribp i currently put another server in production here, this is the step-by-step

later i'm going to commit on wiki and translate to english.

( yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel ) utilizar o JDK , o script procura pelo jdk ou altere o script na unha.

1) cd /opt 2) unzip wildfly-8.0.0.Final.zip 3) mv wildfly-8.0.0.Final wildfly 4) cp wildfly/bin/init.d/wildfly.conf /etc/default/ 5) nano /etc/default/wildfly.conf

descomentar ( e caso necessário configurar) as seguintes variáveis: JAVA_HOME, JBOSS_HOME, JBOSS_USER, JBOSS_MODE, JBOSS_CONFIG, STARTUP_WAIT, SHUTDOWN_WAIT, JBOSS_CONSOLE_LOG

6) cp wildfly/bin/init.d/wildfly-init-redhat.sh /etc/init.d/wildfly 7) chkconfig --level 345 wildfly on 8) adduser wildfly 9) gpasswd -a wildfly wildfly 10) chown wildfly.wildfly -R wildfly/ 11) habilitar portas para acesso externo: nano wildfly/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml modificar por

12) service wildfly start 13) libere a porta 8080 no iptables 14) acesse http://IP:8080 para validar 15) service wildfly stop 16) faça o reboot para validar o daemon

helio-frota commented 10 years ago


paulojribp commented 10 years ago

Great work @eprogramming.